East & West Beckham Parish AGM Agenda Thursday 12th September 2019

To all members of the Council

Your presence is requested at a Meeting of E. & W. Beckham Parish Council on

Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7.00 pm
at the Bodham and Beckham Village Hall.

J. Stibbons Clerk to the Council
4th Sept. 2019
The Public are invited to attend the above meeting


1. Apologies

2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
(limited to four minutes per person and twenty minutes in total at discretion of the Chairman)
3. Declarations of interest.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th July 2019.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes.

6 Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors

7. Solar Community Fund Committee.(Report)

8. Allotment Track Repairs

9. Playing Field Inspection Report

10. West Beckham allotments. To propose a donation to the Felbeck Trust as a “start-up” con tribution for cutting field and installation of a secure shed.

11. Financial matters.
Bank Balances at 12/9/2019 Current a/c £11125.73 Savings a/c £7079.77
To approve the following invoice and sign cheque:-
K. Lord Travelling (Village sign inspection/commission) £42.14

12. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

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