• Minutes of the East and West Beckham Annual Parish Meeting 9th May 2019

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    Minutes of the East and West Beckham Annual Parish Meeting 9th  May 2019.

    Mr. R. McNeil Wilson (Chairman) opened the meeting at 5.45pm

    Present:-  Five members of the parish council 

    1. The minutes of the E&W Beckham Annual Parish Meeting held on 21st May 2018 were read to the meeting and approved by those present. The chairman signed the minutes.

    2. Report by the chairman of the Beckham Parish Council.

    Once again its been an active year within the Parish both for the Solar Community

    Fund Committee and the Parish Councillors with lots to show for their efforts.

    The Solar committee have been very active during the year.

    A water catchment scheme has been put in place on the allotments and the track is to

    be repaired during the coming year.

    Many other projects have been put in hand during the year including renewing the

    Village sign at West Beckham and the household information sheet.  Particular thanks

    for these must go to Kathryn who has been pursuing these projects.

    The agreement with The Felbeck Trust to maintain the common and nature areas has been signed.

    The Felbeck Trust is a charity and does not charge for the work it carries out but relies on gifts, and donations and grants to fund its work. There has been a lot of work carried out this year and you can really begin to see the impact that this is having in the village.  A donation has been agreed this year as a thank you for the work they have done.

    A new Grit bin has been installed at Church Corner and a pic-nic bench placed in the

    Nature area.

    A new bench is being installed on the Sheringham Road to replace the one damaged

    by traffic. Our thanks must go to Geoff Place for volunteering to do the work.

    The land at allotment lane has been planted with a nectar flower and wild flower

    mixture. It has been cut several times during the summer and winter last year to help

    with it’s establishment.

    It has been brought to our attention that cars are still sometimes parking on the verge

    opposite Sheringham Park contrary to the signage on the road. If this is seen by any

    member if the public it would be helpful if photographs could be taken and reported to

    John or Norfolk County Council to help put a stop to this danger.

    The successful research and implementation of capital projects suggested by the Parishioners has only been possible as a result of the hard work and tenacity by the Parish Council Councillors and particularly the SCFC Committee Members.  A big thank you goes out to all involved particularly the SCFC Chairman, Julia Dovey.

    If anyone can spare a few hours a month, please put your name forward to become either a SCFC committee member or a Parish Councillor.  We still have a vacancy for one person on the Parish Council even after the recent elections. 


    Last but by no means least our thanks must go to John, our excellent Parish Clerk who goes above and beyond his duties to keep the Parish Council running so smoothly.

    Thank you, John.


    3. Questions from the public..    None

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 5.55pm.

  • Annual Parish Meeting

    Annual Parish Meeting

    Called by: Mr. R. McNeil Wilson, (Chair),E&W Beckham Parish Council

    The Annual Parish Meeting for E&W Beckham will take place on
    Monday 9th May 2019 at 6.00 pm,
    at the Bodham and Beckham Village Hall.


    1. To read and approve the minutes of the E&W Beckham Annual Parish Meeting held on 21st May 2018

    2. A report by the Chairman of the Parish Council on the year 2018 -2019.

    3. General Public Questions

  • East & West Beckham Parish AGM Agenda Thursday 9th May 2019

    East and West Beckham Parish Council
    Annual General Meeting

    To all members of the Council

    Your presence is requested at a Meeting of E. & W. Beckham Parish Council on

    Thursday 9th May 2019 at 5.30 pm
    at the Bodham and Beckham Village Hall.

    J. Stibbons Clerk to the Council
    2nd May 2019
    The Public are invited to attend the above meeting


    1. All elected council members to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

    2. To elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman

    3. Minutes – To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
    Thursday 14th March 2019.

    4. Matters arising from the Minutes.

    5. Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

    6. Financial matters.
    Bank Balance Current a/c £3496.29 Savings a/c £7679.66
    To approve and sign the Certificate of Exemption from Full Audit for 2018-19
    To approve accounts submitted to the meeting.
    To consider and approve the annual governance statement.
    To review and approve the accounting statement.

    To approve the following invoices and sign cheques:-
    NALC Subscription £139.71
    J. Bishop Internal Auditor £30
    J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £602.09
    HMRC PAYE £122.80
    D. McNeight Web hosting (2years) £216.51

    7. Correspondence Working to improve emergency ambulance response times.
    North Norfolk Local Plan consultation

    8. Matters for information only or for the next agenda

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 14th March 2019

    Page 175

    Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council
    Meeting Held on Thursday 14th March 2019

    Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson (chairman) G. Place, D. Barrass, J. Dovey, K. Lord,
    Dist. Cllr. P. Botikofer. J.Stibbons (clerk)
    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.25pm,

    1. Apologies Cllr.R. Batt,

    2. There were no declarations of interest.

    3. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th January 2019, having been previously circulated, it was noted that the report from Cllr. Knowles was incorrectly reported. It should record that Council tax on properties left empty for more than twelve months would be charged at 200%, not 100% as written. After this correction was approved it was proposed by Cllr. Barrass that the minutes should be confirmed as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Place and carried.
    The chairman then signed the minutes.

    4. Matters arising from the Minutes
    The insurance claim for the replacement bench for Sheringham Road has been finalised and a new bench purchased.

    5 Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors
    District Councillor P. Botikofer gave reports for the County and District Councils.
    County Council.
    The agreed budget approved an increase in council tax on a band D property of almost £70, being made up of £39 for the County Council, £24 for the Police and £4.95 for the District council.
    The budget calculates a saving of £30 million in the current year with a three year shortfall of £74 million.
    The Coast Hopper service will not be cut. Sanders are campaigning to have bus passes valid in areas where they are issued. A small fee could be charged for other pass holders from outside the area.
    District Council
    The budget allowed for £32,000 for community transport.
    £130,000 for a Business Development Fund to assist start-up business.
    £30,000 to allow all Toilets to be open during the day for the whole year.
    £20,000 for number plate recognition cameras. The Police to provide the cameras at cost.
    £2,000,000 to be set aside to form a Development Company. This will enable properties to be purchased from Flagship. These houses can then be let or sold on a right to buy basis.

    6. Solar Community Fund Committee.
    The Felbeck Trust have completed the installation of nest boxes on West Beckham Green and East
    Beckham Common. They will help with the West Beckham allotment field if required.
    Although a small section at the top of East Beckham common is owned by Gresham Farms
    permission has been given for the Felbeck Trust to include this in their maintenance schedule.
    The parish council approved a proposal by Cllr. Dovey that a donation of £100 should be made to
    Felbeck Trust.

    Page 176

    The Horticultural Show will be held on 26th July. It was proposed by Cllr. Lord that £100 should be
    donated to the Horticultural Committee to cover some of the administration costs. This was
    seconded by Cllr. Place and approved.
    The Council members thanked Cllr. Lord for her work in producing the neighbourhood sheet which
    is to be distributed to all households.

    7. Allotment Track Repairs
    A quotation has been received to surface the track with Tarmac. Estimates from two other
    contractors will be available at the May meeting.

    8. Playing Field.
    The monthly inspection report shows everything is in a satisfactory condition.
    Playdale confirm that the timber used in the equipment has a 20 year guarantee and does not need treating. A new Playdale check list is to be incorporated in the check list already in use.

    9. Mud at the Post Box and Noticeboard on Sheringham Road.
    The “Pull-in” needs building up with rubble or tarmac. Highways are to be contacted to ask if permission is required to carry out the work.

    10. District and Parish Elections.
    Nomination papers were completed by all the members present.

    11. Ostead and Vattenfall
    The proposal for an Off Shore Ring main as sent to all local M.Ps and the planning inspectorate
    was fully supported by the parish council. This proposal would allow all future offshore wind
    farms to connect to this ring main and avoid the disruption which would be caused by the present

    12. Financial matters.
    Bank Balances at 14/3/2019 Current a/c £12407.65 Savings a/c £7072.98
    To approve the following payments and sign cheques,
    Zurich Insurance Cover 2019-2020 £467.27
    Chevertons Printing (inv.45478 & 45557) £169.20
    Teak Bench Company Replacement bench (insurance claimed) £249.00

    13. Correspondence
    Carers Matter Norfolk. A request for this organisation, which gives assistance and support to local carers to be more fully publicised. The information will be included in the next news letter.
    First Aid Course. A quotation was received from the Norfolk Accident Rescue Service (NARS) to provide First Aid training. The course would be in two parts of two hours each. Cost would be £150 per session. It was agreed to ask a representative of NARS to address the parish council at a future meeting.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.43pm.

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