• Minutes E&WB SCFC 2nd March 2017

    Held at The White House, The Street, West Beckham

    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) David McNeight, Anthea Sweeney, Rosabelle Batt (after 7:30pm)

    The Meeting opened at 7:00pm

    1. Apologies
    Denise Lewis
    Bob Lewis
    Mike Baker
    John Stibbons
    Simon Wakeford
    Lorraine Marks

    2. Review Minutes of last meeting
    It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.

    3. Parish Map Noticeboard Project
    KL/JD reported progress with NPS Group at the County Council office after their meeting. It was felt work carried out by NPS was still ‘work in progress’ with several errors noted. We had been advised any further work would be charged for over the quoted sum. As a result, we are unsure if we wish to carry on with the maps as they stand, as the overall quality is not really up to the standard we were hoping for. We will review with the Parish Council and investigate other options before committing any further funds. Frames for the maps at NPS were also 110cm x 71cm not 90cm x 90cm as previously advised.

    3A East Beckham Church Ruins ‘Information Board’
    RB was concerned that the cows would damage an Information Board relating to the site of St Helen’s ruins or encourage people to investigate further. It was felt careful wording regards the lack of any remains, plus the engravings found at the Heritage Centre in Norwich would be enough to satisfy the public without needing the footpath access to the site.

    4. Telephone Box
    LM and SW had made some enquiries regards an ‘old style’ red phone box to replace the ‘modern style’ box currently in place. Costs of a restored red box would be between £2500 – £3000. It was felt however that the work/costs to swap over the boxes could be excessive. The old style box door was also heavy and more difficult to open – hence the re-design. The committee therefore voted for the current box to remain as a housing for the defibrillator.

    5. Community Bus Service
    JD had made enquiries for the bus service and they were very happy to include East and West beckham into a regular Saturday route if the Solar Fund was paying for the service. JD had asked her neighbour (a regular bus user) to complete the supplied survey, however further users and information from others should be gathered. A flyer will be created and sent out to the villages asking for information: e.g. Suggested day Saturday, service regularity Monthly, Fortnightly, Weekly, What times? 9:30-10am leaving from and retuning in 2 or 3 hours? What stops in East and West Beckham?

    6. Village Gates
    JS had advised end of March. KL to ask Highways (Steve White) for confirmation artwork so that it could be reported in the Spring Bulletin correctly.

    7. Playing Area
    JD advised she had had confirmation from NNDC that the Parish Council’s lease on the playing area has almost 11 years to run. A copy of the lease was now available and was passed onto the Parish Clerk. NNDC will not transfer the asset to the PC.
    KL had received the pack of information from Andrew and Lynne Clarke with useful facts and background. It is clear there was already some good equipment installed in the play are although it was rather dowdy. Could this be brightened up with painting/refurbishing?
    New equipment for toddlers, which had previously been well used until broken and removed, should be investigated.
    The chain-link fencing was also rusted and very unappealing. This should be replaced either with a powder coated chain link or a lower level picket or metal fence/gates.
    KL had a meeting with a play equipment company who offer a ’no obligation’ survey on 8th March at 3pm to see what they had to say.

    8. Bench installation & Noticeboard
    As yet nothing has be installed. Await warmer weather?
    The wooded bench in Sheringham Road had gone missing, but this was likely to be Geoff Place who agreed to refurbish the bench.

    9. TCV West and East Beckham
    TCV have a further date working party visit arranged for West Beckham on 22nd March. LM will attend. LM has also created a sketch map with best options to place a picnic bench and further clearance.
    The snowdrops are coming through where the bracken/brambles have been cleared and hope that further clearance will uncover others.
    JD has been contacted by TCV’s Debbie Murray, Practical Project Officer, who will organise site visit in mid May and as a result a management plan to be created.
    JD advised the Tesco’s grant had been received of £1000 and this had paid for previous site visits, and the forthcoming plan. Tesco’s have requested a report to be written and photos to show the progress as a result of the grant.

    10. Various items for the Bulletin Spring Issue
    Mission Hut
    The Mission Hut land had been sold at Auction for £44,000. It should be included in the Spring Bulletin and the terms of the deed of Sale published “in event of a duly authorised sale of the property the proceeds shall be used to provide a fabric fund for the maintenance and repair of the Parish Church of St Helen with All Saints East and West Beckham”
    Graveyard Entrance
    The graveyard entrance design had been discussed with Fr Phil, but they had not reported back.
    AS advised she was attending the graveyard and the beaters from a shoot came running thought the graveyard – a frightening experience as the guns were going off in the background. RB advised that the Game Keeper would be spoken with as this was unacceptable.
    KL had contacted the NWT and had been approached by Emily Nobbs who was willing to arrange a survey of the Churchyard (previously surveyed in 1982) and the Graveyard. Fr Phil had given permission. Emily had offered to come out to advise where to leave uncut in spring/summer but this had not been responded to by the PCC.
    East Anglian Children’s Hospital (EACH) – funds raised of £550 from donations at Dick Moretons funeral- (Rose Moreton)
    Community Bus Service (as discussed above)
    Appeal for SCFCommittee members or Parish Councillors – RB offered to be co opted as a Parish Councillor
    Various Nature Surveys – including a sheet from NWT for garden bird survey to be included
    Bodham Village Hall – Photos of West Beckham and East Beckham village signs to be added to the walls

    11. AOB
    An Invertebrate Survey: LM asked if permission could be given to survey the water course for invertebrates at the culvert by the entrance of East Beckham Hall, and the water course by the stile by the footpath nr old East Beckham Church. RB to ask if this would be possible.

    12. Date of Next meetings
    7PM – 8:30PM
    23rd March – B&B Village Hall
    27th April – B&B Village Hall

    Meeting closed at 9.10pm

  • Minutes SCFC 24th November 2016

    Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair), Kathryn Lord (Secretary),  Bob Lewis, Rosabelle Batt, Lorraine Mark, Simon Wakeford, Mike Baker

    The Meeting opened at 7.10pm

    1. Apologies
    Denise Lewis
    Anthea Sweeny
    John Stibbons
    Lynne and Andrew Clark (on going)

    2. Review Minutes of last meeting
    It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.

    NOTE: In future, as circulation of the minutes will include all the Parish Cllrs, Chairperson Julia Dovey will no longer create a separate Report for the Parish Council Meetings. Instead the Parish Council will review the minutes for follow up. The Council Clerk will include these subjects in the Parish Council Meeting Agenda.

    3. Points for review

    • Bus shelter & area

    Work had been completed around the Bus Shelter today (24/11/16) to create two retaining walls with sleepers, although on inspection it was felt this may need to be increased in height to adequately keep the earth bank in position. JD to discuss further with the contractor.

    Bench. One of the new benches has been allocated for the Bus Shelter. Fitting date TBC

    The Notice board under the large chestnut tree to be moved to the Bus Shelter area. A new general noticeboard to be installed inside the Bus Shelter and the current noticeboard moved to outside the Bus Shelter for Parish Council information.

    The Post Box under the Chestnut Tree (Note: at the last Parish Council meeting an objection was made at the moving of the Post Box due to the current position being more useful for turning vehicles. The green triangle being a 3 way route whereas the bus shelter would require a 3 point turn) This was not discussed at this SCFC meeting – review in Jan. 

    • New Benches (x four)
    1: inside the bus shelter.
    2: in the ‘Village Green’ WB  – it was suggested set back into a nice glade rather than by the entrance.
    3. At the ‘post box corner’ in East Beckham
    4: on the EB allotment  – moved closer the level car park area and remove the memorial plaque from the current bench.
    Cllrs Geoff Place and Robert McNeil-Wilson have volunteered to fit benches 1&2 by anchoring with concrete and chain similar to the bench in Sheringham Road. Would they this extend to East Beckham too?  Bob Lewis & Simon Wakefordwould also be happy to have a go or assist.
    It was felt a ‘pad’ of bark or similar material should be installed around the benches to allow drainage etc underfoot.
    • Village Green & Conservation

    The Conservation Volunteers had done a very good job at the Village Green in WB. The entrance had been cleared and a new pathway created.

    The East Beckham Common had been visited by TCV (today 24/11/16). They have done another good job of clearing both top and bottom entrances to the Common, plus cleared a portion of brambles/bracken and made the path easier to walk through. More work is needed in both sites but in particular when brambles etc start to regrow this will need to be maintained. Could this be maintained as regular Parish Council work?

    • Allotments East and West

    No meeting with allotment holders had been held, but the committee felt that rain water capture seemed the best option to follow. BL/KL to speak with allotment holders.

    Crushed concrete for the EB Allotment track was requested at the meeting with Steve White, Highways, but no provision has been advised. JS to liaise/advise if possible.
    • St Helen’s East Beckham site

    RB advised the stile to the site that was broken has been repaired/reinstated.

    • Play Area

    JD advised she had not been advised of any decision regards transfer of assets from the County Council.

    • War memorial

    The new memorial stone had been installed against the old one and the well attended Remembrance Service had taken place.

    • Church Projects
    East Beckham Mission Hut
    KL to advise Fr Phil Blamire that the Committee and PC are not ready to make any commitment to the purchase of the EBMH.
    NOTE: after the meeting LINKUP magazine advised the sale was through Auction House, Norwich on 15/2/17
    The entrance to the Graveyard

    KL to email Fr Phil Blamire and Neil Thompson regards the Graveyard Entrance ‘design’. It was felt natural hedging (not brick walls), entrance to be set back allowing more clearance for larger hearses/vehicles and better visibility to pull out from the currently restricted entrance. No gates were needed.

    • Village Gates
    JS has applied for 50% grants for nine gates (6 at W.B and 3 at E.B) The application has been accepted and is being processed. We will have a decision in March 2017. The general view at the meeting was that bulbs be planted at each gate and the areas kept tidy as part of the PC Village maintenance.
    • Bulletin Issue

    KL is (still) working on the next edition to include ‘before and afters’ around the villages. BL requested publicising the track at the top of the EB Common being closed during the shooting season – so everyone was aware this was a temporary measure.  A pre Christmas Edition will be aimed for!

    • Website 

    Work in progress, but still require content.

    • Defibrillator

    At the Parish Council it was strongly requested by Councillors the equipment is purchased regardless of grants available. It was an item that could save a life. It was however instructed a lottery grant be tried again. JS has applied and will not hear for a further 4 months. However the SCFC agreed unanimously there should be no more waiting.

    • Shop

    KL advised Chris Wheeler had spoken to Daniella at the Wheatsheaf. “They are planning to rearrange the tea room for a shop (amongst other work) during the week when the pub is closed, starting 20/11/16. I also think there was someone from Pub is the Hub eating there 26/10/16!”  JD Advised the ‘shop’ volunteers were not so interested to work in this kind of set up. MB advised a Mobile Post Office was to being put into operation to tour the Villages. KL to find out more details from Shane the Manager at Aylsham CT Baker Budgens.

    • Educational Trust

    At the Parish Council meeting this subject had been discussed and JD reported that it had been put on the ‘back burner’ for the time being. It needed further investigation due to the possible difficulty and divisiveness of deciding who would get a grant. BL gave the details of the POORS + PLOUGHLETS which is a 50 year old Trust set up locally of a fund in action and worth talking to.

    Meeting closed 8:40pm
    Have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone!
    The next meeting is January 26th 2017, same time, same place!
  • Minutes of the Meeting E&WB SCFC 26th May 2016

    Solar Fund Committee  Meeting Minutes 26th May 2016

    Julia Dovey
    Rosabelle Batt
    Denise Lewis
    Simon Wakeford
    Lorraine Marks

    Bob Lewis
    Kathryn Lord
    David  McNeight
    Anthea Sweeney
    Mike Baker

    It was announced that Chris Wheeler  had decided to step down from the committee. The committee thanked her for all her hard work and noted that she would still like to be involved in a more informal way in future.

    Minutes of last meeting agreed. 

    List of current possible projects taken to the recent Parish Council meeting.

    Possible proposed expenditure by Solar Fund Committee May 24th 2016

    Parish Council response in blue

    VAS sign for Lodge Hill Junction

    Approx £3000 ( sum to be confirmed)  Funds already committed  This is to be paid out of PC funds not Solar Farm

    East Beckham Allotments

    Allotment driveway/car park £900 ( I estimate received) Expenditure approved work to start asap

    Village gates for East and West Beckham

    Village Gate pairs x 5 for WB  + 3 pairs for E B  (Costs to be shared with NCC Highways Dept. We are waiting for a site visit and quote to be able to make an application by December 2016)  This is to go ahead but no date as yet

    Other traffic calming /road safety measures

    West Beckham Green and East Beckham Common

    Village Green & Loke work £ ?

    Management plan for Beckham Green and east Beckham Common (TCV) £300

    Tesco Bags of Help for Green Spaces Grant (£8000+)  applied for.  Management plan to be obtained if we are not successful. Julia meeting Dr Leech (Environmental) to see if he will have a look at it.

    Benches x 5? £2,000 We discussed where to put the. The suggested areas are

    1. Valley Farm EB
    2. Allotment field EB
    3. Village Green WB
    4. Sheringham Road WB

    Bus stop transformation

    Parish Maps/Boards £2,000

    Defibrillator in W Beckham phonebox  £3000?  Presentation to E and WB Parish Council at July meeting by supplier. Please attend if you can.

    Children’s Play Area

    Children Play equipment £10,000?

    Proposals for a global sum of  £21,200 so far.

    To be decided after decisions by PCC

    *Possible Reading Room demolition  £2,000 This is on hold following message from Father Phil regarding the sale of the site.  The Chairman requested that the PC declare an interest to purchase

    *Roll of Honour ?  (Replacement now stopped by Diocese – alternative to be discussed) The Chairman considered we should go ahead with a replacement and put elsewhere – cemetery would be suitable. The old one can remain outside the church.  To be discussed at meeting with Fr Phil in early June

    Other potential future expenditure could include:

    • work to clear invasive bracken and bramble in our woodlands
    • provision of interpretation boards for conservation areas
    • bird and bat boxes for conservation areas
    • village walk leaflet
    • completion of bus stop transformation ie possible repairs,painting, refurbishment and repositioning of noticeboard or purchase of new ones
    • oak posts to stop encroachment on the village sign triangle by large vehicles
    • publication of newsletters
    • running cost of website   –  is £72 inc VAT pa
    • improvements to Broadband speed

    Costs incurred so far – Household information sheet £90 and 2 Bulletins  £130 + fees for hall.

    Expenditure on the list above approved.  Next payment into Solar Fund due in October.

    Finance for village projects

    • We are having trouble completing one of the more straightforward projects, for example the allotment track, because of the difficulty in getting 3 tradesmen to give formal quotes.  This is also likely to affect other building work such as the cemetery gates. How can we move forward?  As long as we show that serious attempts have been made  to get quotes we can proceed without three.
    • What happens when there is only one supplier of services or goods such as The Conservation Volunteers or the Norfolk parish maps?  How do we get around the 3 quote principle here?   We can go ahead and order.

    The Chairman expressed that he did not want the committee to lose momentum – John is to arrange the accounts so that specific payments out on the solar projects can be made more easily


    Flashing speed sign/other calming measure to be looked at in October when the next Solar payment is due.

    Shop – Julia to speak to Tracy to see if she’s still interested.

    Bus stop revival ‘to do’ list

    • Find out who owns the area around the bus stop JD
    • Remove lower branches of trees that overhang the bus stop and dig out to find out the condition of the retaining wall.   Rosabelle suggests contacting Richard Hudson (07748) 380634  JD to follow up
    • Rebuild retaining wall where necessary if needed
    • Power wash outside of bus stop
    • Re-paint outside where necessary
    • Paint inside white
    • Remove bin
    • Plant bank with effective low maintenance ground cover eg ivy? Grass? (needs strimming)
    • Relocate refurbished noticeboard – inside? Outside on side wall?
    • Consider planters, hanging baskets etc when complete and defibrillator installed

    Solar Panel Committee Fund Holiday

    May I suggest that we keep to the June meeting as already in the diary (this will give an opportunity for feedback from the meeting with Fr Phil, to decide which projects to work on through the summer and sort out the June newsletter if necessary) but then have July and August off, reconvening in September after the PC meeting. I will sort out a date with Anne and send round an email.

  • Minutes of the Meeting E&WB SCFC 28th April 2016

    Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) David McNeight, Chris Wheeler, Rex Wheeler, Bob Lewis, Lorraine Marks, Simon Wakeford,  Andrew Clark, Anthea Sweeney, John Stibbons
    The Meeting opened at 7pm
    1. Apologies
    • Rosabelle Batt
    • Denise Lewis
    • Mike Baker
    • Lynne Clark
    2. Review Minutes of last meeting
    It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.
    3. Progress on action plan:
      • Apart from the one firm quote, SW reported that other companies (5 in total) had failed to visit or make quotes despite several chasing calls and promises that they really were interested in the work. (Note post Meeting: Fr Phil Blamire has reported that no additional or new stones can be laid, the suggestion is an addition of a metal plaque. Also the Churchyard work would have a ceiling of £1500 prior to 3 quotes being sought.)
      • JD had supplied the report by Mark Webster from The Conservation Volunteering Charity prior to the meeting. The report outlined a selection of menu options with guide prices. Generally it was felt these volunteers were expensive but it was agreed a Conservation Management Plan would be worthwhile for both the WB Village Green and EB Loke.  Mark Webster highlighted valuable assets within the ancient woodlands at both East and West Beckham.
      • CW & RW had received unofficial expert advise and an offer of free assistance, if needed, for work in the Village Green, focusing on walker safety. Work had not started.
      • JS advised the PC had used Community Payback labour in the past and this is available. It was felt this labour could be used to clear brambles and bracken along the pathways
      • KL had tried to contact Fr Phil Blamire prior to the meeting but would send an email to find out if any progress had been made or meetings set up with the DFB Ltd. (Note post meeting – Fr Blamire had supplied the Trust Deed for the PC and the PCC would need to discuss what was the next step)
      • JS advised the Charity had estimated £1500-2000 per defibrillator. If vandalism is unlikely a coded lock would not be needed and would reduce costs. The Company would come and make a presentation to the Parish Council in July which would explain a lot of the details which the committee were asking. KL advised that she had been contacted after the latest BULLETIN by a couple of volunteers keen to be trained.
    • SHOP:
      • No news.
      • BL advised a total of 10 allotments were left available in EB.
      •  Urgent attention to the Entrance and track into the Allotment was required along with the Parking area. 2 Further quotes are required unless this situation can be resolved. JS advised he was waiting for another contractor to come back to him. JD to discuss with PC
      • BL advised the daffodils in EB had been partly picked by a couple of Eastern European pickers. When challenged by BL they did not return. BL reported this to Cromer police.
      • JS has issued the new contacts for the Allotments for year 2016-17
      • West Beckham allotment space was not discussed.
    • PARISH MAPS: Not discussed
      • JS supplied an email from Highways (Steve White) which advised white gates could be part funded. The round of funding would be applied for late in 2016.
      • Highways would need to agree suitable wide verge sites for the gates. Steve White would visit to discuss suitability
      • KL/DM had looked at locations as had LM/SW who had also measured verge widths.
      • Would locations be where the 30 mph signs were already placed? No 30 mph signs in EB
      • JD reported she had tidied up in the bus stop but the bin inside had been used as a dog waste bin. KL thought painting the inside brickwork would improve the appearance.
      • Ideas to be fed back to JD by ALL prior to the next meeting.
      • JD reported the meeting with Charles Sanders took place and there would be a personalised West Beckham bus program written by CS which would be included in the next BULLETIN (June) There is a service 3 days a week currently and the School Bus can also be used, although this will need to be paid for prior to 9.30am
      • JD also gave details of Dial a Ride and other options which we will be include in the next BULLETIN.
    • POST BOX PAVING UPDATE: SW provided a photograph of the completed pavers in situ at the Church Farm Postbox. The committee expressed their gratitude and praise.
    • A&LC had visited the Play area and reported back that is was very tidy and well maintained at the point of the visit.
    • JS advised ROSPA will make the annual inspection to ensure all equipment is meeting safety standards etc.
    • There was plenty of space (size 30m x11m) that could take extra equipment and AC had approached some specialist companies.
    • Examples of Slides had been provided – various prices from £6k to others from Costco Cash and Carry were shown.
    • The Area is owned by NNDC and the PC need to fund regular grass cutting. It was muted that NNDC may wish to pass the land over to the PC.
    • KL though the fencing could be improved to make it less uninviting, although it was functional to keep dogs out and children in.
    • BL had a contact with a Weybourne committee who have recently set up a children’s play area and would pass this on.
    • LM and KL both remarked on the quality of play areas at Blakeney Village.
    • WEBSITE: 
      • DM advised that the domain name eastandwestbeckham.org had been purchased.
      • KL DM & DL had spent an afternoon going through possible content and architecture. A basic format for the website was now up. (Albeit a ‘work in progress’)
      • Content offers from some parishioners had been forthcoming and also old photographs from RAF West Beckham have been allowed to be used.
      • KL/DM asked for the committee to look at what is on the site so far and offer feedback.
      • RB had not been able to attend the meeting but would report back next meeting regards bench costings and designs.
    4. Parish Council Meeting
    • 3 Quotes and difficulty in progression
    5. AOB 
    • SW asked that the grass triangle in front of Chestnut Farm with the WB Village Sign be protected from being run over. Oak posts and removable chains could be installed to  improve matters.
    6. Date of next meeting
    • 26th MAY,  7PM, Bodham and Beckham Village Hall (2 days after the Parish Council Meeting 24th May when ALL are invited)
    • 30th JUNE being the following meeting date

    Meeting closed at 9:00 pm

  • Minutes of the meeting E&WB SCFC 24th March 2016

    Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) David McNeight, Chris Wheeler, Rex Wheeler, Denise Lewis, Rosabelle Batt, Lorraine Marks, Simon Wakefield, Lynne Clark, Andrew Clark, Anthea Sweeney,
    The Meeting opened at 7pm
    1. Apologies
    • John Stibbons
    • Bob Lewis
    2. Review Minutes of last meeting & any matters arising
    • It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.
    • The Constitution: JD advised John Stibbons had minuted in the last Parish Council meeting the Solar Community Fund Committee was a subgroup of the Parish Council and was therefore covered by the same insurances etc. It meant that we could invite guests and experts as needed. There would need to be a minimum of 2 Parish Councillors on the committee and the Parish Council website will need to display the minutes of the meetings. (Which we are doing.) The Subgroup purpose is to reflect the wishes of the community.
    3. Bulletin Issue 2 & Distribution:
    • 140 copies had been printed by Chevertons after compilation by KL
    • The Bulletin was handed out and committee members asked to distribute to the Villages asap.
    4. Progress on action plan:
      • Still quotes are slow in coming in or the stonemasons are not responding  The Fakenham company will hopefully be in touch again after Easter. The Weybourne Memorial company (based in Diss) has quoted in Granite for £1890+Vat. A third quote is required. KL suggested looking at a company on the internet for a quote, even if it was for comparison. Designs, materials, finishes, fonts as yet have not been discussed in any detail.
      • JS may have further contacts?
      • CW and her husband RW had inspected the West Beckham Village Green. It was noted that as the trees are still doormat therefore harder to see which are thriving or not, however, 4 trees look like they need some attention. (1 x dead near the roadside, 1 x branch across the path but could be cleared with pruners, 2 x larger tree which would need a professional to clear or reduce.
      • It was agreed that RW would clear what was possible and leave material on site. (Ash dieback was mentioned and as a result it was felt material should not be removed from sites)
      • It was felt a H&S notice should be posted on the gate to highlight the danger of over hanging trees and that sensible caution should be taken during high winds.
      • The Village Green has a bench but it is not in good condition. A definite site for a new bench.
      • A dog bin was discussed but also the high cost of hazardous waste at £800pa for emptying. It was felt that dog owners should be responsible for their own dogs waste.
      • JD had contact with the North Norfolk Workout Group. These are a group of volunteers who would welcome sites to improve for conservation with a direction from the Committee. This was seen as a great find.
      • The East Beckham Common had been reviewed by JD and this was generally OK. The Cemetery would be reviewed by The Church.
      • RB confirmed the Reading Room/Mission Hut and land was given to the Church in 1996.
      • A copy of this Deed had been requested by the Parish Council from The Church.
      • Fr Phil Blamire had advised he would review with the Diocese Finance Board Ltd in May 2016.
      • JS was not at the meeting so no further info was known, however, another possible site for East Beckham was discussed if the Mission Hall/Reading Room should not be available. Possibly another option could be the newly planned Parking Area on the allotment.
    • SHOP:
      • CW advised that Danielle at the Wheatsheaf had been happy with the inclusion of the shop/Deli in the Bulletin, but nothing would be happening until after they had their B&B up and running hopefully in May/June.
      • BL was not at the meeting so KL read the update in the Bulletin
      • DL asked if it was possible for East Beckham allotment land to be ploughed prior to Allotment Holders taking on the land. It was very difficult work when the daffodils are in situ. This could be done after the daffodils are over.
      • West Beckham Allotment site. JD issued a detailed plan offered by Robert McNeil Wilson (Chairman of the Parish Council)  which identified a 3 – 5 year plan. Year1: weed kill once (ragwort/dock/persistent perennials) green up, cut weeds, weed kill again, cultivate to level the field, spray and plough in autumn  Year2: Cultivate in spring, Spray for weeds, drill & roll in a pollen and nectar mix end May, mow several times during the year, establish pollen/nectar mix Year3: mow paths through pollen/nectar for enjoyment, half area can be cut for autumn flowering and offer a longer source of nectar for bees.
      • Not all members of the committee were happy with this option due to the lack of amenity, but others felt it would be approved of especially by the local residents who back onto the allotment and it was a positive option for wild birds and bees.
      •  KL suggested we could have a community bee keeping group with bee hives?
      • JD supplied photo options from a supplier. It was felt the white gates had the most impact and those used in Edgefield had been reported to noticeably slow down traffic.
      • A discussion followed about the best sites for Gates to the placed.  The gates come in 96, 150, 200 cm widths.
      • JD asked for suggestions before the next meeting of suitable placements for East and West Beckham.
    • BUS STOP:
      • JD reported (and was included in the March Bulletin) that a discussion with Charles Saunders Coaches had been requested by NNDC though Highways about possible reinstatement of the Bus service. It was welcomed but felt we should raise our hopes too high for a positive outcome.
      • JD advised she had requested the Parish Council request a general tidy of the Bus Stop Shelter (bin emptied etc)
      • A Parish Map could be included in the Shelter but it would be useful to have light. Solar light would be preferred but it is in the shadow of trees. It would be possible to paint inside to brighten up.
      • Discuss next meeting in more detail.
      • JD reported there is district council funding available through ‘The Big Society’ although this would take time.
      • A young local resident had requested an improved play area and others have requested more equipment (sooner rather than later!)
      • Suggestions to remove the grass and add rubberised flooring or bark in certain sections were discussed, although recently a local school playground had a rubberised surface laid at £150,000 so could be out of our reach.
      • A see-saw, playhouse with slide and toddlers climbing frame would be appreciated.
      • JD asked for a volunteer to review and investigate the area. A&LC volunteered to work on this project and report back.
    • POST BOX PAVING UPDATE: When the weather warms up, this will be tackled.
    • WEBSITE: 
      • DM suggested it would be preferable to buy the domain name for eastandwestbeckham.org and that he could go ahead and do this and be paid back by the Parish Council when convenient. JD advised that if under £100 then we had authority to commit to the spending.
      • KL had been busy compiling the Bulletin so had not made much headway on the website.
      • Suggestions for content are extensive and a short list of priorities needs to be identified.
      • KL will email to members the list of content suggestions or links so far for review. (email subject: Village Website  (http://eastandwestbeckham.org))
      • How many benches and where would these best go would be discussed at the next meeting.
      • Synthetic material benches seemed a good idea as otherwise they rot and fall into disrepair. (It was noted Bob and Ivy’s memorial Bench in East Beckham was rotting)
      • RB to investigate style options and possible locations
    5. AOB 
    • None recorded
    6. Date of next meeting
    • Thursday 28th APRIL 7PM, Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
    • JD scheduled 2 further dates 26th MAY and 30th JUNE

    Meeting closed at 8:45pm

  • Solar Fund Minutes 18th February 2016

    Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) David McNeight, Chris Wheeler, John Stibbons, Bob Lewis, Denise Lewis, Rosabelle Batt, Lorraine Marks, Simon Wakeford, Lynne Clarke, Andrew Clarke, Anthea Sweeney
    The Meeting opened at 7pm
    1. Apologies
    • None
    • Julia Dovey welcomed John Stibbons (Clerk to the Parish) as an additional regular attendee. John has a wealth of knowledge so will act as a consultant/advisor and general contributor.
    2. Review Minutes of last meeting & any matters arising
    • It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.

    3. Information Sheet Publication and Delivery 

    • The Information Sheet was mostly delivered
    • It was noted that the refuse collection is the same for both West and East Beckham (Friday).
    4. Father Phil Blamire meeting report
    • The Meeting was held on 08/02/16 and minutes previously circulated.
    • There was concern regarding the St Helens Church not being funded past 3 years. What would happen after this period is open to speculation.
    • Gates at the Entrance to the Cemetery are to be dealt with by Warner Thompson Builders for the PPC, and a quote is required by SCFC.  KL to Chase Fr Phil
    5. Progress on action plan:
    • SAFETY MIRRORS: JS advised Steve Wright from Highways advised that Safety Mirrors were not allowed on the verge. They may cause an accident by distraction, and create an obstacle for hedge cutting etc. If placed on private land there maybe legal issues if the mirror is cited as a cause of an accident. No further action and results to be communicated in the forthcoming newsletter.
    • WAR MEMORIAL RESTORATION: No responses so far from 3 stonemasons who have been asked to quote for the WW1 Memorial. Chasing up required JD/SW
      • A quote is needed from Community Heartbeat Trust. Discuss at PC Meeting JD 
      •  The Reading Room (when demolished) in East Beckham would be the best site.
      • The Church Registrar Stuart Jones had not been heard from regards their interest or otherwise. KL to chase Fr Phil
      • It was generally agreed a professional builder should be employed to demolish the site.
      • Wood or items from the building could be reused on the allotments for raised beds etc.
      • PM Howell of Sheringham was suggested by CW, or Justin by RB or BL, or Russell 
      • The Tree Expert David Gillet had been called by KL but had not responded, too busy?
      • The Churchyard will be reviewed by the Church Tree surgeon.
      • The areas of concern were the Village Green and Footpaths.
      • A walk through the Village Green to see if any dead or obviously dangerous trees could be identified was volunteered by CW and her husband Rex W. KL/JD to walk East Beckham Loke
      • JD reported NPS Graphics had quoted £250 for Artwork and £400 for a display box to put it in.
      • Content needs to be decided and supplied
      • The Parish Walk approx 8K long was suggested for  2 sites. (East Beckham Reading Room site & West Beckham Bus Shelter)
      • It was reported that footpaths about the area had Finger Posts in disrepair – either knocked over or rotten. It is possible to report these on the NNDC Interactive Highway Map.
    • WEBSITE: 
      • Since the last meeting which suggested using the Parish Councils site and amending for the use of the villages it had been determined there are limited Themes or Styles available so only limited changes were possible.
      • JS reported there is no longer a Grant available for the creation of a website, although quotes had been received from 2 companies Amia Design (£750 + annual Hosting fee of £50) and Alysham Computers £420 + annual hosting £50)
      • Amia Design had been singled out as the creator of Whissonsett Village website http://www.whissonsett.com. This was highlighted as preferred design style by KL/JD. Please review and feedback
      • Content needs to be decided and gathered to enable any design to be put together.  Send suggested content to KL
      • A further meeting was to take place Saturday 7pm at the Wheatsheaf to discuss.
      • BL reported a meeting had taken place earlier in the day at East Beckham allotment. All current East Beckham users had been invited.
      • The Allotments had been staked out with posts.
      • The sizes 30 feet (frontage) x 80 feet (deep),
      • West Side 14 allotments. 5 sites are vacant on this side.
      • The East side left 12 allotments free and one would be singled out for use as a carpark.
      • It was agreed that the entrance and slope to the allotment needs levelling, hardcore laid with a drainage channel to one side. The car parking area could also be levelled and hardcore/gravelled at the same time. (Note Builder or person employed to demolish Reading Room could quote at the same time)
      • A water supply was discussed and costs should be investigated
      • West Beckham Allotments closure. Concern regarding the loss of the amenity of the allotment land was voiced if wildflower seed was sewn ‘on mass’ across the allotment. Suggestions such as a Dog walking area (securely fenced), a grassed field for Village events, site for Memorial Benches, plus the existing Village benefit of daffodils that can be picked for home use. Allotments are to be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting.
    • SHOP:
      • CW advised that Danielle at the Wheatsheaf Pub envisaged a ‘Deli’ shop with some basics within the ‘Tea Room’, possible hours 9-6pm.
      • Therefore there would be no set up costs but volunteers to help run it would be welcomed. JD to contact the interested Volunteers from the Questionnaire. 
    • POST BOX PAVING UPDATE: When the weather warms up this would be tackled. SW/LM & CW/RW
    6. Items for the next Parish Council meeting
    • Allotments
    • Defibrillator Quote required
    • Tidy up area around the Bus Shelter /Phone Box in readiness for Information Board and Defibrillator
    • Village Entrance Gates – can this be explored? (Note Edgefield Village now have these in place)
    • Memorial Benches – costs and suppliers (RB) (post mtg: Catalogue/supplier of various equipment including Village Gates with JD)
    • Parish Maps
    8. AOB 
    • As the solar farm was the reason for the Fund it was agreed we would referred to as the ‘SOLAR COMMUNITY FUND COMMITTEE’ (SCFC)
    • The next newsletter will be put together and finalised in March for the next meeting.
    • The next Lunch at the Wheatsheaf will be held on March 3rd
    • Queen Elizabeth’s 90th Birthday (21st April or official day June 6th) was suggested as a Party in East Beckham / further Lunch celebration
    • Is the meeting open to the Public? A constitution would be required. CW to investigate a possible constitution
    • Minutes of the SCFC meetings should be posted onto the Parish Website. JS advised the Parish Plan tab was for this purpose. DM/KL
    9. Date of next meeting
    • Thursday 24th March 7PM, Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

    Meeting closed at 8:40pm

  • Solar Fund Minutes 18th January 2016

    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) Chris Wheeler, Denise Lewis,  Lorraine Marks, Simon Wakeford, Mike Baker, John Stibbons, David McNeight.
    Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
    Julia Dovey opened the meeting at 7:05PM
    1. Apologies
    Rosabelle Batt, Bob Lewis, Lynne and Andrew Clarke, Anthea Sweeney

    2. Review Minutes of last meeting & any matters arising
    • The minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting. JD reported that the Oil Buying Group in Gresham is administered by John Rodway and although request for those interested to be in contact had been put in the newsletter, there had been no response.
    • The Gresham Group is happy for the Beckhams to join their Group but a co ordinator would be helpful to call round interested parties in our villages (approx. once a month). It was felt that a ’spot rate’ price from John Rodway on his next purchase would be useful to highlight the benefit to the community. Information regarding the Oil Buying Group would be put in the next edition of the Newsletter together with the most recent price per litre to see if there would be any interest. ACTION JD to contact JR

    3. Finalisation of The Household Information Sheet for printing/issue

    • The Information Sheet was agreed to be sent out asap and before the next Newsletter is issued in March.
    • (See Point 2) inclusion of JD Contact details – amendment therefore needed before printing. ACTION DL/KL
    • A quote from Chevertons Printers to be arranged incl. lamination ACTION KL

    4. Progress on action plan:
    a] Grit Bins 
    • Den Lewis communicated Bob’s progress. One bin is now installed, on pavers, next to Abbey Farm (Sheringham Road x Gresham Road) and Highways are asked to fill the bin with grit.
    • Highways are not giving permission for East Beckham proposed Valley Farm site due to various reasons, including cost implications (grit filling etc). An appeal has been written by BL to Steve White of Highways.  Maybe a site could be found on private land, with DIY grit filling either from Highways supplies or perhaps the Parish Council would fund. ACTION JD/BL/Parish Council
    b] Safety Mirrors
    • Costs of Mirrors were advised for Allotment Lane exit and also Long Lane exit to The Street in WB. Placement of these would need to bear in mind hedge cutting.
    • 600mm £128 x1, 2-5 £121-150 each  or 800mm £142 x1, 2-5 £135 each ACTION JD/BL/Parish Council
    c] War Memorial restoration
    • SW reported the Quote had not yet been received – awaits the tradesman visit. Also See point 5.
    • It was agreed, if possible, 11/11/2016 would be an appropriate completion date for a service/dedication of a new memorial.
    • Discussion took place over inclusion of names of those who died in other wars (Northern Ireland, Korean, Afghanistan, Gulf, Bosnian, Iraq etc) to make the memorial up to date not just WW1 (would this mean a WW1 grant is not possible?)
    • Investigations into War Graves – names eligible for inclusion to be actioned by Mike Baker ACTION MB 
    d] Defibrillators 
    • John Stibbons reported the charity Community Heartbeat Trust has adopted the redundant phone boxes and has an arrangement with BT to pay for the power if used to house the defibrillator. This Charity appears to be a ‘one stop shop’. KL had concerns regarding the actual costs for training, insurances, ongoing management costs etc. Matlaske phone box photos were shown (who it seems had used a different company  – Arrhythmia Alliance (www.arrhythmiaalliance.org.uk or Heartsease) JS advised Gresham Village already has a defibrillator installed and the training etc was undertaken with 50 or so villagers.
    • Actual costs to be established – A Lottery Grant can be sought for East Beckham or any further ‘non phone box’ sites.ACTION JS/JD
    • An East Beckham site needs to be established. Suggestions are the Reading Room site. ‘The Hut’/Reading Room – authorisation for the dilapidated building owned by the Church to be demolished, and the land, owned by the Batt Family which the building stands on had already been authorised for use by the community.(Rosabelle had agreed this at a previous meeting) ACTION JD/Father Phil
    e] Tree surveys
    • JD advised David Gillett had been recommended to her to site survey the Village Green by footpaths and any other areas of concern – e.g. East Beckham Loke. KL advised he was a very busy man, but would ask his availability and costs for his advise. ACTION KL
    •  It was noted the PC liability insurance suggests ‘reasonable care’ is taken so a regular inspection will take place and be minuted by the PC. Simon Case from NNDC can be contacted if particular trees are a concern. Rosabelle Batt (via DL) advised Gresham Church in a similar scenario had to pay high costs for survey and carry out recommended work however recent high winds have still brought down a branch.She suggested that the expense involved would not be justified.
    •  Mike Baker suggested that a lower cost option would involve a tree surgeon looking at the trees, any necessary work done (possibly annually and then minuted by PC. That should cover any PC liability. ACTION JD/JS/BM
    f] Parish Maps 
    • JD advised it was hard to locate a suitable Parish Maps with foot paths therefore ‘Work in Progress’. It was highlighted that some footpaths needed to be registered before they were lost and JS and MB both remembered some paths (including Mill Lane) which are not visible on current maps ACTION JD
    g] Website
    • It was agreed the current Parish Council Website could be expanded for community use, therefore no extra costs to be involved. Changes to the design and content would be investigated.  Content/Structure needs further discussion and KL suggested organising a separate meeting. JD suggested Rose Morton had volunteered regarding the newsletter. KL to arrange including CW, DL from the committee.  ACTION KL
    • John Stibbons will supply password details to DM ACTION JS
    h] Allotments 
    • JD advised Ann and Martyn Waring, living in WestB but already using the Allotment site at EastB, had volunteered to organise and host a meeting of the allotment holders. Bob Lewis and John Stibbons have already organised to go and measure up the allotment site in EastB. ACTION BL/JS
    5. Contact with Father Phil on church/cemetery matters
    • JD reported a meeting with Father Phil has been set up 8th February at 11am at St Helen’s and All Saints West Beckham. There is an open invitation for anyone interested to attend. ACTION JD/SW
    • The War Memorial at Weybourne Church was being restored currently. Father Phil advised a Roll of Honour (for those who served in wars) should be inside the Church. Those who died, put on the head stone memorial outside. Currently St Helens Church has a mix of WW1 ‘served and died’ on the memorial. It was agreed any changes must be handled very sensitively.
    6. Ownership of parcels of land near Church, also site of East Beckham church
    • Old Parish Documents had been reviewed by JD and these 2 parcels of land in Parish ownership were discussed. The East Beckham Old Church/registered common (demolished 1896) is currently used for raising game birds.Enquiries to be made as to who owns and manages this land at the moment to perhaps negotiate future access. The access via an old track has been ploughed up and is no longer visible. ACTION JD/Parish Council
    • The second parcel is currently part of Mike Bakers garden but further investigation of the deed written in July 1913 showed that unless the Parish built a Village Hall on the land, it would be bought back by the landowner who had it, for a fee.
    7. Next steps:
    • Possible shop – The Wheatsheaf should be approached more formally by Chris Wheeler as a possible shop site – as the Publican had already expressed an interest. ACTION CW
    • JS advised Gresham had done a lot of work and raised funds for a shop but it failed due to lack of a suitable venue, but there is a lot of help (and experience) available.
    • Paving at postboxes – SW and LM volunteered to pave the ground by the post box near WestB village sign (outside Chestnut Farm) ACTION SW/LM
    8. AOB 
    • Den Lewis read a communication by Kathleen Mace, a resident of East Beckham for more than 36 years and an active/constructive member in village matters. She suggests the site of the Reading Room to be cleared and 2 picnic benches installed. The Village Noticeboard and defibrillator unit could be housed here too.  The Bridgeway is to the right of the noticeboard position, overgrown but recoverable. On the wide verge she suggests large Tubs//Planters (which she would be happy to adopt) to stop parking at this point. Village Parking should be moved to the allotment site.
    • Next issue of Newsletter – any content please send to Kathryn Lord. (Aid memoir – Include Information regards lunches at The Wheatsheaf, Allotment updates, Post Box pavement, Grit bins, Website) ACTION ALL

    9. Date of next meeting
    18th February 7pm Bodham and Beckham Village Hall ACTION ALL
    Meeting closed at 8:40 PM
  • Solar Fund Minutes 23rd November 2015

    Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) Chris Wheeler, Bob Lewis, David McNeight, Lorraine Marks and Simon Wakeford
    Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

    Julia Dovey opened the meeting at 7pm

    1.  Apologies

    Mike Baker, Denise Lewis, Andrew and Lynne Clarke, Rosabelle Batt, Anthea Sweeney

    2.  Minutes of the last meeting
    The minutes were agreed to reflect the last meeting.

    3.  Matters arising

    4. Report on the Parish Council Meeting
    Julia presented the summary and draft action plan with the Parish Council.
    The Parish Council were generally very supportive of the suggestions made by the E&WBPP Committee and directed certain areas to be worked on first.
    5. Action Plan – Getting started
    Church and Cemetery
    The PC decided that it would be sensible to discuss the future plans for the Church Building and Cemetery with the PCC, however as there is no longer an acting PCC, this meant discussing directly with the Rector, The Rev’d Philip Blamire. Ideas that require permissions from the Church before any action can be taken include Cemetery improvements and wildlife management, tree assessments, and any future building change of use. Note: It was felt that Simon Wakeford should continue to review the process for renewal or refurbishment of the WW1 War Memorial. 3 quotes to be obtained from Stone Masons. The Imperial War Museum could be a source to check names serving or deceased in WW1 & WW2 from the 2 villages.
    The PC Agreed East Beckham should be developed and improved for allotment use. This had better soil and more existing allotment holders.
    An allotment poly-tunnel, sleepers for raised beds, and a water supply were suggested. The water supply could possibly be via Geoffrey Clifton-Brown? Parking provision at each of the allotments would be preferable.
    West Beckham allotments have currently only 2 holders and one (Cheryl Finch?) wishes to quit. A notice to quit will be raised by John Stibbons who has taken over the running of the allotments from Cheryl Finch?.
    Robert McNeil Wilson suggested a pollen and nectar seed mix to be sewn over the land which would be good for the soil. The plants would be perennial, leguminous, and would bloom all through the year. The field could also be cut.
    A committee needs to be set up first.
    Progress regarding the Deeds to the allotments need to be raised with John Stibbons by Julia Dovey.
    An Improved Website
    Kathryn Lord and David McNeight agreed to begin this process and to administer the website.
    The name of the domaine name was suggested as www.eastandwestbeckham.org.uk  (rather than .com or .co.uk)
    Guide costs will involve paying for the domaine (2 years for £6.98) and also web hosting at £2.49 per month.
    Website name will need to be approved by the Parish Council prior to purchase.
    It should be established if the current council site “ beckhamewpc.norfolkparishes.gov.uk “ will continue to run.
    West Beckham site was suggested to occupy the old Phone box which still has electricity running to it. It had been offered to the Parish by BT in the past for just £1.00. John Stibbons was to investigate if this is still the case.
    Chris Wheeler to investigate further, but the East Beckham site was suggested at the Telegraph Pole close to the Notice Board, which may still have an electricity supply.
    Information on how to use the defibrillators will be needed for both sites, i.e. calling 999, offering the postcode for your location, etc
    Grit Bins
    It was agreed that 2 x Green coloured grit bins will be purchased asap and sited in East Beckham.
    a] Valley Farm bend, by the Post Box
    b] Abbey Farm/Gibbets Lane cross road
    Highways will need to confirm both sites are acceptable. If so, Bob Lewis was happy to arrange for the levelling and paving of the 2 sites for the bins to be installed. Grit to be purchased or supplied by highways, which ever is faster, prior to winter weather.
    General Improvements
    The provision of visibility mirrors opposite the entrance to Allotment Lane and Long Lane was supported. Bob Lewis to investigate.
    Oil Buying Syndicate
    John Stibbons advised John Redway in Gresham Village already runs a syndicate and Julia Dovey will speak with him to get operational details.
    Tree Surveys
    Julia Dovey to discuss with NNDC who has an Advisor.
    Newsletter/Information Sheet
    Denise Lewis has produced a household information sheet with useful numbers and asked for comments/additions.
    All were asked to review and email suggestions to Denise.
    Bin collection days and anything else which would help a new resident to the area. Bob Lewis to ask the new resident in East Beckham.
    Delivery could go with the Link Up in the New Year.

    East and West Beckham Information Sheet.pdf

    6. Communicating progress to the villages
    The Newsletter should be produced to advise the community of the progress so far and the results of the survey.
    A3 folded to a 4 page newsletter with photos along with the text to be produced to be circulated prior to the end of 2015 (preferably in 2 weeks?) Julia Dovey and Kathryn Lord
    Chevertons to produce. The Committee to deliver. KL to advise when available.
    7. A O B
    Chris Wheeler advised that The Wheatsheaf had expressed and interest in being the location for a Village shop.
    Simon Wake asked if a chain barrier might be used to stop vehicles driving over the Village sign grassed area.
    Julia Dovey explained Ownership of the Solar Farm had changed 3 times since the creation. John Stibbons has asked for the latest fund contribution as it is not automatically forthcoming. The Fund is currently £22,000.

    8. Date of next meeting
    Monday 18th January 2016
    Bodham & Beckham Village Hall at 7PM.
    Meeting closed at 9pm.
  • Solar Fund Minutes 17th September 2015

    Present: Julia Dovey, Kathryn Lord, Anthea Sweeney, Bob and Denise Lewis, Rosabelle Batt, Simon Wakeford and Lorraine Marks, Chris Wheeler

    Dear All,

    1. Apologies
    Mike Baker, Lynne and Andrew Clark sent their apologies.

    2. Minutes of the last Meeting

    3. Questionnaire update and review
    The questionnaires had all been delivered. Most had been returned or collected. Julia Dovey collated those received so far and will add those from Lynne and Andrew Clark. If any further questionnaires are received please pass to Julia.

    The response rate had been good and this was felt to be a result of the personal delivery and talking through the forms with people in the parishes. There were several comments of support and generally people appreciated being asked to offer their opinion.

    4. Next steps

    A review of the results so far highlighted it was going to be difficult to decide how to handle or proceed with some of the subjects. Julia Dovey suggested the Parish Council would be best to decide a priority list for the various topics and to assist them JD will put together a summary of the questionnaire votes. JD asked for us to proof-read her summary and check content hadn’t been left out or misinterpreted.

    1. Simon Wakeford to do research on the War Memorial regards Public Money available for such projects.
    2. Simon Case at the Council maybe useful discussing public liability to public spaces (cemetery) and the PCC needs to be consulted
    3. Allotments – a new ‘management committee’ would be helpful to further the discussions on this project. Chris Wheeler had volunteered to help (albeit not wanting an allotment). Paperwork – deeds etc to be sorted out by the PC. Testing of WB Allotment ground was discussed which was not going to be very expensive, but the results depending on what found could be. Via the District Council, James Wilson is a contact that could be worth approaching.
    4. Village entrance signs seemed well favoured and KL supplied a photo of an example in Gayton (West Norfolk)
    5. Village information sheet was generally seems a good idea and Denise Lewis offered to create one.
    6. ‘Dial a ride’ ex North Walsham already exists – check if this is possible for W&E Beckham residents.
    7. Street Life was mentioned as a possible Village ‘website’ option
    8. EB reading room – a working party to clear the undergrowth (Rosabelle Batt advised this would be fine as the landowner) Bob Lewis to investigate further.
    9. Wifi in Bodham and Beckham Village hall would be very helpful!
    10. Action plan to be created  – short term, easy, no or little spending, medium term etc, and long term plus some items which are too ambitious or unlikely to succeed. (Via Summary/PC)

    5. AOB  – Update on Lodge Hill Junction
    JD advised the Steering Group that at the last Parish Council Meeting NCC Highways Department representative Mr. Paul Donnachie presented the plans for the A148 Lodge Hill Junction. There are plans to create  footpaths (or trods) in the existing verges. Also they are looking at several other new footpaths/trods that could be created, as a way to answer the Coroners recommendations which would be longer term. Speeds cannot unfortunately ‘just be lowered’ as they follow a district strategy and this junction did not fit the criteria. This was strongly challenged and the ’strategy’ was asked for so we could review and understand the situation. A VAS (Vehicle Activated Sign) is something that the Beckhams can contribute to jointly with Upper Sheringham and the council – each sign had an approx cost of £10, but if the PC agreed Highways would get a survey.  However, It was felt the rolling 3 year ‘list’ of accident stats are such that if we did not act swiftly the Junction would drop further down the listings – it already had from a few years ago.

    Thursday 19th November, 7pm at Bodham & Beckham Village Hall.


  • Solar Fund Minutes 2nd July 2015

    Meeting of the East and West Beckham Parish Plan Committee

    Venue: The Wheatsheaf Pub (in the newly created Tea Room)

    In attendance: Julia Dovey (Chairperson), Kathryn Lord (Secretary), Anthea Sweeney, Chris Wheeler, Bob and Den Lewis

    Apologies from: Rosabelle Batt, Andrew and Lynne Clarke, Simon Wakeford and Lorraine Marks, Michael Baker

    1. The meeting was opened at 7.30pm by JD.
    For reference the minutes were made available of the last Parish Council Meeting and also the opening address by Robert Wilson at the Parish Plan Meeting held on Thursday 11th June 2015 at 7.30pm, where the committee had been selected. JD suggested we proceed with our meeting without the formal constitution to speed progress.

    2. JD had previously circulated the reply from Norfolk Rural Community Council representative Henry Meiklejohn explaining their contribution of support and this was discussed.
    It was agreed by the Committee that we do not need to spend money on outside Consultancy support at this time but it was useful to know where to go if needed in future.

    3. JD had previously circulated a 1st Draft Questionnaire and invited discussion. As a result:

    1. It was agreed in future the Parish Plan should be named The (East and West Beckham) Community Fund.
    2. JD would revise the introduction to include a summary of the route to this point and how the Fund had originated.
    3. JD would check with John Stibbons (Parish Clerk) what condition/rules (if any) had to be honoured relating to the Fund and report back to the committee.
    4. The Questionnaire should include optional ‘Name and Contact Details’ of the person completing the form (at the end of the document)
    5. The Questionnaire should have space after each section for freeform explanation or expansion
    6. Additional hard copy of the Questionnaire would be available with Parish Councillor’s or Committee member’s (need to list)
    7. Section 3. Allotments – ADD – Do you know about the allotments in both Villages? Y/N
    8. Section 5. Children’s Play Area – ADD – Have you tried to use the play area and found it locked? Y/N
    9. Section 6. General Suggestions – COLLATE – new Information Section, e.g. website, Linkup, village history
    10. New Section. Other Suggestions – ADD
    11. Each committee member present took a share of original suggestion papers home to compare/review the Questionnaire. Email any Errors or Omissions noticed to JD by Sunday 5th July.
    12. JD will present to the Parish Council a 2nd Draft Questionnaire on Thursday 9th July

    4. Thursday 7th July 6PM
    A walk of the Parishes starting at the WB Village sign will take place by the Committee to better understand locations involved in suggestions
    (JD will ask permission for cars to be parked on the field opposite Chestnut Farm)

    5. DL will search for a property list by Postcode.
    This is to generate a better understanding of volumes of homes in both Parishes and therefore printed Questionnaires needed to be circulated.

    6. Communication by email.
    It was agreed ALL members of the Committee would circulated on OUTGOING messages from JD or KL, but all INCOMING would just be sent to JD and KL

    7. Next Community Fund Committee Meeting to be held at Bodham and Beckham Village Hall, 16th July, 7.00PM, due to space limitations at the Pub

    8. The Meeting ended at 9.45pm

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