• EWB Agenda Thursday 21st September 2023

    East and West Beckham Parish Council

    To all members of the Council

    A Meeting of E. & W. Beckham Parish Council will be held
    on Thursday 21st September 2023 at 7.00 pm

    J. Stibbons Clerk to the Council
    14th September 2023
    The Public are invited to attend the above meeting


    1. Apologies

    2. Declarations of interest.

    3. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public and former committee members of the Solar Community Fund.

    4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2023.

    5. Matters arising from the Minutes.

    6. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors

    7. Community Connectors Introduction by Coralie Martin (NNDC)

    8. Follow up on NCC grants

    9. Tree Guards

    10. Playing Field Safety Inspection Sept./ Oct T. Toyn

    11. Planning PO/23/1720 Land at Williams Barn (see minutes of emergency planning meeting attached)

    12. Speed limitgs A148

    13. Bulletin

    14. Financial matters.
    Bank Balances at 21 /9/2023 Current a/c £4257050 Savings a/c £39400.13
    The following outstanding invoice to be approved and cheques signed:-
    Playsafety Inspection £90
    Grant to PCC Maintenance £1000

    15. Savings account. To approve and sign savings account application to Cambridge B/S

    16. Correspondence
    The following correspondence was sent to members by email:-
    NALC news letters – 19/7, 2/8, 16/8.
    NALC Chief Executives reports – 6/8 and 23/8

    17. Matters for information only or for the next agenda

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 13th July 2023

    Page 232

    Draft Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council
    Meeting Held on Thursday 13th July 2023

    Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson, (chairman), R. Batt, D. Barrass, J. Dovey, R. Lewis. G. Place T. Toyn County Cllr. E. Vardy J.Stibbons (clerk)

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm.

    1. Apologies Dist. Cllr. Callum Ringer

    2. To elect a vice-chairman. It was proposed by Cllr. Lewis that Cllr. Barrass should be elected as vice-chairman. This was seconded by Cllr. Place and approved.

    3. Cllr. Batt declared an interest in item 9 (Affordable housing)

    4. There were no comments or questions on the agenda.

    5. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th May 2023 having been previously circulated it was proposed by R. Lewis that they be approved as correct. This was seconded by J. Dovey and carried.

    6. Matters arising from the Minutes.
    Felbeck Trust sent their thanks for the donation of £300 received.
    A certificate for lawful development had been granted to Camp Farm in error.
    The pot hole near allotment lane is to be repaired.

    7. Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors
    County Cllr. E. Vardy. A written report was circulated to all members and is attached to these minutes.
    Cllr Vardy also informed the meeting that he has a small budget which is available for parishes for such uses as providing young trees which will help with climate change. These could be made available in November. They can be used for hedging at the burial ground if required. Boxes for nature conservancy i.e. Bat and Bee boxes can also be provided.
    Funds could also be avaiable for advisory traffic signs.
    Cllr. Vardy left the meeting at 7.16pm

    A written report from District Cllr. C. Ringer was circulated to members and is attached to these minutes.

    8. Playing Field Safety Inspection It was noted that the basket ball net needs replacing. A full safety report from RoSPA is due in the next few days.

    9. Planning (applications already circulated)
    PF/23/0799 Erection of detached domestic outbuilding (office/workshop/store) with car
    port Location: 1 Pinewood Park, Holt Road, Upper Sheringham, Holt, Norfolk, NR26 8TU
    No comment

    PF/23/1065 Erection of 5 dwellings (affordable homes) with associated access, parking and
    landscaping Location: Land To The North Of Church Road, West Beckham, NR25 6NY,
    This application was discussed at an emergency planning meeting held on 15th June.
    The following comments to the application were submitted to the planners.
    – It was indicated at an earlier presentation by Broadland Housing that the developments
    would have their own sewage system. The plans show connection to the existing sewage
    system which already has problems with overloading during wet weather.
    – A gate is shown leading to the village playing field. If this is installed the boundary fences
    will need replacing.
    – The houses should be rental only for tenants with local connections the aim being to
    revitalise the village.

    10. Financial matters.
    Bank Balances at 13 /7/2023 Current a/c £5438.43 Savings a/c £39294.08
    The following outstanding invoice to be approved and cheques signed:-
    J. Stibbons Salary and expenses (Nov-Jan) £677.16
    HMRC PAYE £140.40
    D. Barrass Hedge cutting (P.Buck) £150

    11. To Consider Savings Accounts.
    Three application forms have been downloaded and the clerk was instructed to select the
    one which was felt to be the easiest to administer.

    12. To consider request for donation to Graveyard improvements.
    After a lengthy discussion of the proposed budgeted costs of approximately £3000
    submitted it was proposed by Cllr. Barrass that a maintenance grant of £1000 per year,
    payable for the next three years should be offered.
    This was seconded by Cllr.Toyn and approved.
    Maintenance is to include grass cutting and the sum will be reviewed after three years.

    13. Correspondence
    The following correspondence was sent to members by email:-
    NALC Chief executives bulletin Horsey 3 Four road closure notices
    Horsey 3 News letter NNDC Submission of North Norfolk Local Plan

    14. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
    Tree Guards. Follow up NCC grants.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.49pm

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