• Draft Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council Meeting Held remotely by Zoom on Thursday 11th March 2021

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    Draft  Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

     Meeting Held remotely by Zoom on Thursday 11th March 2021


    Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson, (chairman),G. Place,  D. Barrass, R. Batt, J. Dovey,  K. Lord,                   Dist. Cllr. P. Butikofer, Ed Mumford-Smith (Broadland Housing), Anna Clarke (NNDC Housing) J.Stibbons(clerk)

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.04pm. and welcomed  Ed Mumford-Smith and Anna Clarke.

    1.  Apologies Cllr. Toyne, County Cllr. S. Butikofer.


     2.  Declaration of Interest   Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson and R. Batt declared an interest in item 7.

    3. There were no comments or questions from members of the public.   

    4. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18th January  2021, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that they should be confirmed as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Place and carried.   The chairman will sign the minutes at a later date.

    5. Matters arising from the Minutes

     All minutes of meetings held on zoom are now signed up to date.

    The sign board belonging to Browns estate agents has now been removed from Lodge Corner.

    6. Reports from County and District Councillors.

    Dist Cllr. P. Butikofer  

    Covid cases in North Norfolk at the beginning of March were down to 53 per 100,000. This means North Norfolk is 304thout of 314 council areas. 

    Vaccinations are going well with centres at North Walsham, Cromer and Fakenham. 

    Hardship funds are being distributed,  £54 million have been paid out in grants so far.  

    NNDC Budget. The NNDC part of the council tax is to be frozen but there will be an increased amount for the Police and Norfolk County Council. 

    Splash is expected to be finished by the 12th of August. 

    Shannon Court has been compulsory purchased and is to be demolished next week 

    Cromer Pier will open on the 8th of March for walking only. 

    The census will take place on March 21st.

    7. Affordable Housing.Anna Clark works closely with affordable housing at NNDC. There is a large housing register in North Norfolk. Exceptional housing policy states that it must fulfil a local need for local people and not for profit. It is to be a joint venture and must be adjacent to 10 other properties. Tenants eligible for affordable housing must have a local connection in the top three tier bands. Development also need a willing landowner.

     Ed Mumford-Smith Broadland housing is cooperating with North Norfolk district council but also  covers all of Norfolk. The size of the village dictates the appropriate scale of development. Designs have  traditional appearance. There must be an environmental commitment to reduce the carbon 

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    footprint and improve energy efficiency. The policy is aimed at customers who cannot afford the cost of a house outright. A market priced  house is included in the development to bridge the cost gaps.  Some pictures of the proposed developments were then shown to the meeting. They were of traditional design but very efficient. Shared ownership is protected in perpetuity. Purchase ownership can only be up to 80% of the value of the property, but the average percentage ownership is 40%.  It is proposed to have six properties in the Sheringham Road at the corner of Back Lane and four properties near the Wheatsheaf.  The first step in the process is a community consultation. The second step is a preplanning applications. Third step is due diligence investigations Fourth step is to prepare a planning application.

    Each property will have two parking spaces.

    It was pointed out that there was an ongoing sewage problem in Sheringham Road and this should be investigated by the Environment Agency.

    It was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that the provision of affordable housing should be taken forward. This was seconded by Cllr. Barrass and unanimously approved.

    8. Solar Community Fund Committee.   It was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that, as so much research was undertaken for the design of the new West Beckham village sign this information should be used to produce an information board. Expected cost was under £100 This suggestion was approved by the councillors present.   An information board is to be placed in the village hall

    The Allotments, Play area and Broadband were still under discussion by the Solar committee  

    9. Playing Field  there is no update from NNDC on fence repairs or renewal of lease at present.

    10. Flooding from the sewage pumping station into Sheringham Road.

    This problem was initially discussed in 2007 and 2009. There has again been problems

    with sewage overflow again this winter.

    Cllr. Place  has been in contact with Anglian Water but they are reluctant to admit

    liability. Anglian Water seem content with the situation but this seemed to happen when

    all the holiday homes were un-occupied. The situation would also be made worse if the

    proposed affordable houses were built. The ditch on the west of the Sheringham

    Road past The Garth and the sub-station would take the road water away.

    It was agreed to contact Anglian Water and invite them to the next parish council

    meeting. Environment Agency and NNDC Environmental health are also to be



    11. The review of the triangle opposite Chestnut Farm is being discussed with Highways

    12.  Budget Review. A copy of current expenditure against budget was presented to the

    meeting and a breakdown of the Solar Fund expenditure by item.

    It was agreed the future precepts should be increased to balance the budget and not rely

    on the Solar Fund.

    It was proposed by Cllr. Wilson that a separate business bank account should be set up

    for the Solar Fund money. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey and agreed by a majority.

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    13.  Financial matters.

    Bank Balances at 11/3/2021   Current a/c £7459.80 Savings a/c £20428.55

    Outstanding invoice were approved:- 

    Zurich Insurance Renewal £541.33

    NALC Subscription £139.54

    14. Correspondence – Appeal from Citizens Advice for a donation. To be discussed at a later meeting.


    15. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

    The sleepers forming a bridge over a drain on  the West Beckham footpath have slipped,

    Norfolk County Council are to be informed. 



  • Annual Parish Meeting

    Annual Parish Meeting

    Called by: Mr. R. McNeil Wilson, (Chair),E&W Beckham Parish Council

    The Annual Parish Meeting for E&W Beckham will take place on 

    Monday 20th May 2021 at 7.00  pm, 

    at the Bodham and Beckham Village Hall.


    1. To read and approve the minutes of the E&W Beckham  Annual Parish Meeting held on 20th May 2019

    2. A report by the Chairman of the Parish Council on the year 2019 -2021.

    3. General Public Questions

  • EWB Agenda May 2021


    East and West Beckham Parish Council


    To all members of the Council

    Your presence is requested at a Meeting of E. & W. Beckham Parish Council AGMP on

    Thursday 20th May 2021 at 7.20 pm Approximately 

    (to immediately follow the Annual Parish Meeting)     

    at the Bodham and Beckham Village Hall.


    J. Stibbons   Clerk to the Council

     12th May. 2021

    The Public are invited to attend the above meeting


    1. Apologies

    2. To Elect the Chairman and Vice-chairman for the coming year.

    3.   To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th  March 2021.

    4.    Matters arising from the Minutes.

    5.    Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors

    6. Proposed amalgamation of the Solar Fund Committee and the Parish Council

    7. Playing Field  Safety Inspector for May/June  J. Dovey,  July/Aug. T.Toyn.

    8. Financial matters.

    Bank Balances at 20/5/2021   Current a/c £7367.68  Savings a/c £20429.00

    • To approve and sign the Certificate of Exemption from Full Audit.
    • To approve accounts submitted to the meeting.
    • To consider and approve the annual governance statement.
    • To review and approve the accounting statement.
    • To sign a letter of request to the Bank to open a separate account.

    To approve the following invoices and sign cheques:-

    Chevertons -Invoices 49076 & 49113 Printing £231 

    J. Bishop Internal Audit £40

    J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £582.45

    HMRC PAYE £122.80

    9. Correspondence –  

    Nalc news letters automatically forwarded  see 23/3

    10. Matters for information only form Councillors or members of the public.

    11. Items for the next agenda.


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