Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 10th July 2018

Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson (chairman) D. Barrass G. Place, K. Lord, J. Dovey,
County Cllr. S. Butikofer J.Stibbons (clerk)

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm,

1. Apologies Cllr. R. Batt, Dist. Cllr. M Knowles

2. Declarations of interest. Cllr. Wilson declared an interest in item 9 on the agenda.

3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2018
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes be approved. The Chairman then signed
the minutes.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes.
Item 5. There will be a site meeting with Felbeck Trust on Wednesday 25th July.
Item 8. The insurance claim for the damaged seat at Allotment Lane is still to be resolved.

5 Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors

A Report from Dist Cllr. M. Knowles was read to the meeting. (a copy is attached to these minutes)

Report from County Cllr. S. Butikofer. All PCSO replacement officers have gone into Norwich. The Police and Crime Commissioner is advocating incorporation of the Fire Department with the Police.
Highways are using new equipment on the Old Cromer Road to try and detect drivers using mobile phones.
He SAM2 speed awareness camera on the A148 will be delivered within the next two weeks.
The Number 5 bus from Sheringham is running at irregular times as the overgrown hedges from Upper Sheringham means that only single decker buses can use the route. If it is necessary to schedule a double deck bus this route has to be avoided.
Fly Tipping. NNDC have to pay for clearance of Fly Tipped material which has increased since Norfolk Council Council have brought in charges for certain items delivered to the recycling centre.
Due to financial cuts, Mobile Libraries are under threat.

6. Solar Community Fund Committee.(Report)
Photographs of the East and West Beckham village signs to be hung on the wall in the village hall
are now complete and were viewed by the members.
The wooden Pic-Nic table at the playing field could be a danger from splinters and it was
suggested that this should be replaced by the table which was intended to go on the East
Beckham common.
It is intended to try and create a Village Volunteer Group
The household information sheet is to be updated.
Improvements to the track at the Allotments will be considered when the next round of funds
becomes available from Hall Farm Solar.

7. West Beckham Village Sign
The order has now been placed for the new village sign.

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8. Playing Field
The Playsafety inspection report is being circulated to members.
A spread sheet will be produced to record observations made during the regular inspections.
The present lease of the playing field will run until November 2024 . It will be reviewed in three
years time when a request for an extension of the lease will be discussed.

9. To discuss the ownership of the trees at Chestnut Farm
A report on the condition of the trees will be circulated to members and discussed at the next parish council meeting

10. East Beckham Disused Churchyard
The disused churchyard is on the definitive map as common land but is registered on the Land
Registry as part of Abbey Farm. It was decided not to pursue this issue as the land was of little use
to the village.

11. Financial matters.
Bank Balances at 12/7//2018 Current a/c £1843.29 Savings a/c £6454.66
The following invoices were approved for payments and cheques signed.

John McNeil Wilson Cutting allotments £86.40
Playsafety Inspection report £84
S. Thurtle Grass cutting £255
K. Lord Picture framing £95

12. Correspondence North Norfolk Local Plan Noted
Horsea development consent order Noted

13. Matters for information only or for the next agenda. None

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.54pm

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