Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 10th January 2019

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Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council
Meeting Held on Thursday 10th January 2019

Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson (chairman) G. Place, D. Barrass, R. Batt, J. Dovey, K. Lord,
Dist. Cllr. M Knowles J.Stibbons (clerk)
The chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm,

Apologies none

There were no declarations of interest.

The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Place that they should be confirmed as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey and carried. The chairman then signed the minutes.

Matters arising from the Minutes It was noted that the West Beckham allotments have been cut.

Report from District Councillor (Cllr. M. Knowles) Councillor Sarah Butikoferhas been elected as the new Leader of the Council. Thre is to be a cross-party cabinet.
There has been a bid submitted for money to provide a round-about on the A148 at the top of Holaway Road.
Properties left empty for more that twenty four months are to be charged 100% council tax.
There are proposals for community fridges to be made available. One is installed at Fakenham.
An Armed Forces chaplin has been apointed to help ex-servicemen.
There will be a consultation on the Local Plan in February.
The Beckham parish councillors agreed that for the May elections the PollingStation for East and West Beckham will be the Bodham and Beckham village hall.

Solar Community Fund Committee.
There had been no committee meeting due to the Christmas break.
The new Household Information Sheet has been completed.
The new grit bin and pic-nic table have been installed.
The colour proof of the village sign is now needed – cost £150- but the final black and white design
is first to be circulated to members for their approval.
The next SCFC committee meeting will be in February.

Allotment Track Repairs Quotations were not available at this meeting.

Playing Field (safety report) The pic-nic table is in a stable condition but the benches need sanding down.
Timber on the new equipment should have been pre-treated but it may need re-coating at some stage.
The hinge on the metal gate needs repairing. This work is to be put in hand.

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Financial matters.
Bank Balances at 10/1//2019 Current a/c £12543.60 Savings a/c £6464.75
The following payments were approved and cheques signed,
J. McNeil Wilson Ltd. Cutting allotment £86.40
J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £590.98
HMRC PAYE £122.80
R. Hudson Maintenance £200
S. Thurtle Grass/hedge cutting £300

11. Correspondence None

12. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

The signpost on the A148 at Bodham does not have a finger board pointing to Beckham, there is now a
space as the “Hart” sign has been removed. Highway to be contacted.

Cars are again parking on the verge at the top of Lodge Hill and it is possible the “No Parking” signs have
been removed. Highways to be contacted.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 14th March 2019

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