Minutes of Parish Council meeting 8th March 2018


Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson (chairman) G. Place,  K. Lord,  J. Dovey, R. Batt, 

    J.Stibbons (clerk)

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm, 

1.   Apologies  Cllr. D. Barrass

2.   There were no declarations of interest. 

3.  The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 11th January 2018 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Place that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey and approved by the members present.

The chairman then signed the minutes.

4.    Matters arising from the Minutes.

The pic-nic tables have not yet been placed on the common.

5   Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

Dist Cllr M. Knowles.  NNDC have levied the first increase in council tax for eight years. This will add £4.95 to a band D property. The budget for next year will show a small surplus but deficits could reach £2.8 million in 2021/22. Central government funding to Local Authorities will decrease to nil by 2021.

The current contract with KIER is due to expire in 2019. A new contract is being procured jointly with Breckland District Council. An analysis of black bag waste has determined that around 40% of that is food waste. It may be that food waste collections may be undertaken in the future. Waste collection is responsible for around one third of NNDC`s spend on services.

6. Solar Community Fund Committee.(Report)

The Felbeck Trust, which is a conservation group based at Aylmerton, have been working for three years, initally as part of the Concervation Volunteers. They work on an irregular basis when the work needs doing. and have a wide expertise in all branches of conservation. They would expect a donation and payment for any materials used.  A formal ten year agreement (which was presented to the meeting) would need to be signed to cover the volunteers for insurance. 

It was proposed by the chairman that the agreement should be signed but an annual review and control of expenditure would be needed. This proposal was seconded by Cllr.Lord and carried.  The chairman then signed the agreement. 

7. West Beckham Village Sign

One quotation has been received  for a replacement sign in cast Polyeurathane of £6950. Ouher quotes are awaited.

8. Safety Mirrors.

The Parish Council cannot supply safety mirrors because of safety regulations.  Mirrors are available for individuals to purchase and one supplier has quoted £115 for three mirrors.

9. To review and approve the updated Risk Management Scheme. Final revision to be approved at the Annual General  meeting.

10. To review the draft revised Standing Orders. To be approved at the May AGM

11. Financial matters.

Bank Balances at 11/1/2018 Current a/c £833.87  Savings a/c £6853.74

To approve the following payments and sign cheques

TCVClearance work£1080

Zurich MunicipalInsurance£460.95


12. Correspondence  None

13. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

It was queried wether the disused Church Yard site at East Beckham was actually common land belonging to the parish.

It should be noted that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 21st May at 7pm. Not on 3rd May as previously advertised This Annual Parish Meeting will be followed by the Parish Council AGM.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.21pm

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