Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 14th September 2017


Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson (chairman) G. Place,  K. Lord,  J. Dovey, R. Batt, D. Barrass.

J.Stibbons (clerk)

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm,

1.    Apologies  Dist Cllr. M. Knowles,

The meeting was informed that Cllr.A. Sweeney had resigned from the council due to ill health. The chairman, on behalf of all the councillors, thanked Mrs. Sweeney for all her help and support during her time as a council member.

2.    Declarations of interest. Cllr.Place declared an interest in item 8b (planning)

3.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday13th July 2017 having been previously circulated. The following corrections were made and initialled by the chairman and clerk.

Item 7 the word viability was replaced with visibility.

Item 8 inserted after “the pillars are to be of flint” add “and wider apart”

Item 10 the quotation should read £3367.

After these corrections had been inserted the chairman signed the minutes.

4. Matters arising from the minutes.

Item 7 – Allotment rents are to be reviewed. Tenants who are not resident of the parish will more than residents

Item 9 – it was noted that the quotation from N. Thompson had been raised considerably.

Item 10 – three quotations should be available before expenditure can be approved.

but the proposed work had been approved at the July meeting.

Item 12 – A fitment had been placed at the top of the swings to stop Pigeons roosting.

5. Reports. (Dist. Cllr. M. Knowles)

The green build event at Felbrigg was a major success.

There seems to be a potential to begin a concerted effort to get a roundabout at the top of Holloway road along the lines of the one at Felbrigg, but that will be a long time in coming.

In the latest news of the forthcoming district plan, it appears that Beckham has some fairly substantial swathes of land that may be considered for development, although currently classified as “more constrained” so perhaps will not be considered going forward. The draft plan, once completed, will go out for consultation, so it is a way off yet. But it is as well to be aware.

6. Defibrillators. There has been some hold-up in obtaining permission to use the telephone box at West Beckham and the proposed site at East Beckham is under review as an alternative may have to be found.

7. Parish Plan (phase 2)  It was decided not to pursue a formal Parish Plan as the parish was not large enough and there appeared to be no advantages to a Parish.

8.(a) Solar Community Fund Committee (Report)

The latest Beckham Bulletin gives an up-to-date picture of activities.

The chairman congratulated Kathryn Lord, the secretary of the SCFC on the excellent news letter. This was agreed by all the members present.

8.(b) Planning. PF/17/1372 Erection of rear extension, raised roof height, insertion of velux windows and bay window to front elevation at –  At Last, Sheringham Road, West Beckham.

Beckham parish council objects to this application. The proposal is not commensurate with the size of the plot. The NNDC framework item 3.6.1 (existing buildings) states that the effect of the extension will have to be in character and appearance of the host property and on the amenities of any neighbouring properties.

This proposed plan is virtually a rebuild and is totally out of character with existing properties which all have a roof pitch facing the road where on the proposed development the gable end faces the road.

Beckham parish council would like this application to be discussed by the planning committee.

9. Financial matters.

The Audit for 2016-2017 is now complete and signed off.

Bank Balances at 11/9/2017 Current a/c £2452.27  Savings a/c £18592.74

The following payments were approved and sign cheques:-

Mazars Audit £150



E. BoydellTree surgery£100

J. StibbonsSalary/expenses£504.67



A letter to Barclays Bank for transfer of funds  of £11288 was signed to cover expenditure  incurred to date

by the Solar Fund.

10. Correspondence


CAB appeal for funds

11. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm

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