Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2017


Cllrs. R. Wilson,(chairman)  A. Sweeney K. Lord, G. Place,

County Cllr. S. Butikofer  Mrs. R. Batt.   J.Stibbons (clerk)

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm,

1.    Apologies  Cllr. J. Dovey Dist Cllrs. M. Knowles,

2.   To elect a chairman for the year. It was proposed by cllr. Lord that Cllr. Wilson be asked to remain as chairman. This was seconded by Cllr. Sweeney and carried.

It was proposed by Cllr Wilson that Cllr Place be elected vice-chairman. This was seconded by Cllr. Sweeney and approved.

Mrs. Rosabelle Batt has indicated her interest in becoming a parish councillor to fill the vacancy left by the late Mr. R. Moreton.  Mrs. Batt was invited to join the council.

3.    To receive declarations of interest.

Cllrs. Sweeney and Lord declared an interest in item 6.  It was noted that a dispensation

could be granted to allow council members who are also on the Solar Committee to vote

on this item.

4.    The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th March 2017 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Sweeney that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Place and approved by the members present.

The chairman then signed the minutes.

5.    Matters arising from the minutes. The bench has been installed in the Nature Area and the one in the bus shelter is being installed when the fixings are finished.

6   Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

County Cllr. S. Botikofer. As she was recently elected she has been in training sessions. The first full council meeting will be on the following Monday. She will attend Parish Council meetings and help in any way she can.

7. Financial matters.

To approve the accounts of 2016/2017 for audit. There were no comments from the internal auditor. After answering all the questions in Section 2 of the Annual Return and approving the accounting statement the return was duly signed.

Bank Balances at 30/3/2016 Current a/c £10712.87  Savings a/c £18592.74

The following invoices were approved and cheques signed:-

TCV Maintenance £720

NALC Subscription £101.14

J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £506.75

HMRC PAYE deduction £102.60

S. Thurtle Grass cutting £180

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8. Planning The Pylons, Osier Lane. Permit removal of Agricultural occupancy restriction.

9. Solar Community Fund Committee.  The bus service is still under discussion.

The Bus shelter has been painted.  A design for the gates at the churchyard is under discussion. A

wider entrance will be provided and it was felt that flint gateposts would be more in keeping that the

brick posts suggested.;

Cllr. Lord proposed that three more days work by the TCV should be arranged for early autumn.

This was seconded by the chairman and approved. Cllr. Wilson will also provide some daffodil

bulbs to go round the village gates.

It was agreed to allocate up to £5500 for the play equipment after the second quotation was

received .It was suggested that the new swings, proposed for the play area should have metal bases for the posts to allow for strimming.

It was agreed to spend up to £100 for a notice board in the bus shelter.

It was agreed to purchase of two defibrillators in July, after all the quotes were received.

10. Correspondence

  • Electoral review – final recommendations
  • Coasthopper time tables

11. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

It was noted that the annual inspection of the play equipment by ROSPA would take place in early June.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.26pm

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