EWB Minutes 12th January 2017


Cllrs. R. Wilson,(chairman)  R. Lewis K. Lord, G. Place,  J. Dovey. J. Stibbons

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm,

The chairman paid tribute to Mr. Richard Moreton who had been a member of Beckham parish council for many years.  The death of Mr. Philip Leaver was also noted with sadness.

1.    Apologies Cllr. A. Sweeney  County Cllr. M. Baker Dist Cllr. M. Knowles

2.    To receive declarations of interest.

Cllr. Dovey, Lewis and Lord declared an interest in item 6.

3.    The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2016 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Place that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey and approved by the members present.

The chairman then signed the minutes.

4.    Matters arising from the Minutes

(item 6) The latest quotation for the refurbishment of the toilets at the Bodham and Beckham village hall can be covered by the grant already received.

(item 8) Cllr. Place was unable to attend the Public Enquiry into the wing turbines. The parish council was represented by Cllr. Dovey.

5.    Reports. There were no reports from the County or District councillors or the Police.

6.    Community Fund.

  • The benches at the Bus Shelter and W. Beckham green are being installed by R. Wilson and G. Place. The benches in East Beckham at the allotments and Valley Farm corner are being installed by R. Lewis and. McNeight.
  • It was decided to obtain a quotation to move the notice board from outside Chestnut Farm to an area beside the bus shelter.
  • The cost of Parish Map Boards including all art work, can be supplied by N.P.S. at a cost of £1350. It was proposed by Cllr. Place that these boards should be purchased. This was seconded by the chairman and approved.
  • A quotation to erect the three new Parish Map boards, one near the notice boards opposite Allotment Lane West Beckham and the other by the East Beckham notice board is to be obtained.
  • G. Place agreed to clean and treat the seat neat the Sheringham Road notice board.
  • Defibrillator – it was decided to wait for a decision from the Lottery Fund application which should be announced in March. It this grant was not approved the Parish council would then go ahead and install one in each village.
  • East Beckham churchyard – it was agreed to ask Mr. Batt for permission to erect a signboard saying this was the site of an ancient church.
  • West Beckham allotments – it was proposed by J. Dovey that a digger should be hired to clear the old trees and other rubbish so the field could be ploughed and planted. This was seconded by K. Lord and carried.
  • A Rota of volunteers is to be drawn up to inspect playground equipment, defibrillators, noticeboards, and other parish property.
  • The repairs to the bus shelter will be £500. This was approved by the members.

7. Financial matters.

The following invoices were approved and paid.

TCVClearing E. Beckham common£360

Village HallRoom hire£120


8. Planning.

PF/16/1730 Glabri, Back Lane, Variation of condition 2 of permission PF/16/0446 to allow for design changes and removal of condition 4.

The parish council objected to this application but felt it was pointless asking for comments as the work has already started. The site will be seen from the footpath and also from the Sheringham Road.

As from April 2017 all comments and observations on planning applications must be received by NNDC within 21 days of the planning notification.

All future planning applications will be sent to the clerk by e-mail with attachments of the detailed plans. These will be forwarded to parish councillors. After consideration all councillors would reply to the clerk with their observations.


Councillor Wilson proposed that If the application was considered to require full discussion then a meeting should be called. If a formal meeting of the council was not considered necessary by a majority of the councillors the clerk should be given authority to reply. Comments by Parish Councillors should be sent to the clerk by e-mail so a written record can be kept.

This proposal was seconded by Councillor Pace and approved by the members present.

9. Correspondence.

  • Electoral review draft recommendations
  • Updated bus time table

10. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

Cllr Lewis informed the meeting that he will be moving out of East Beckham and the March meeting will be his last attendance.


There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm

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