Minutes 12th March 2015

 Minutes 12th March 2015

Page 124

Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

Held on Thursday 12th March 2015

Present:          Cllrs. R. Wilson, (chairman),   J. Dovey,   R. Moreton

  1. Place. B. Powell,   R. Simpson,  Dist.Cllr. A. Sweeney        J. Stibbons (clerk)

Apologies   T. Driver.  County Cllr. M. Baker. PCSO G. Bridges

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.


To receive declarations of interest.


To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 8th January 2015

It was noted that in item 6 the correct date for the planning meeting was 26th February, not as published. This date was corrected and the minutes were then approved by the meeting and signed by the chairman.

Matters arising from the Minutes.


Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors                                  

Dist. Cllr. A. Sweeney reported that at the Upper Sheringham parish council meeting concern was expressed that Highways have still not taken any action at Lodge Corner on the A148. They will be writing to Highways and also the Eastern Daily Press.The next NNDC planning meeting will discuss the Gresham`s School application and the Selbrigg wind turbine will be discussed in the near future.

Mr. Place commented that Highways were looking for improvements for pedestrians ate the Lodge Corner but there have been several vehicle accidents as well and these should be taken into consideration. Visibility towards Holt is still not satisfactory.

Parish Plan

The response from the delivery of the first information letter had been quite positive. Eight members of the community had expressed interest in becoming involved. Their Email addresses have been noted and they will be informed of progress.

The invitation cards for the meeting on 28th March had been printed and were distributed to members for delivery.

Arrangements for the 28th March – The village hall will be available from 9am. The open day is scheduled to run from 10.30am to 3.30pm 

Mrs. Dovey will take pictures of various items belonging to the parish i.e. Nature Area, Allotments etc. and these will be projected onto a screen.

Mrs Powell will provide tea and biscuits from the canteen.

  1. Wilson and J Stibbons will be in attendance all day and other members of the parish council will help on a rota system.

There will be an Exhibition Board with information and maps of the area. 


Renewal is due by 1st April 2015. The premium is unchanged as this is the second year of a three year fixed price agreement. There was a discussion on the amounts covered. These were all satisfactory except the £2500 for play equipment. It was noted that the figure for seats and other small items was higher than necessary. The clerk is to have the necessary adjustments made. 

Financial matters.

The Financial Regulations 2014.  These regulations were discussed at the meeting of 14th July 2014. It was proposed by Mr. Wilson that the parish council formally adopt these regulations. This was seconded by Mrs. Powell and approved.

Bank balance at 12th March 2015 – £1991.54

Cheques sighed:-

  • 100407 – Zurich  Insurance                                                      £341.56
  • 100408 – J. Stibbons  Salary and expenses Nov 2014 to Jan 2015  £523.78
  • 100409 – Printing Invitation Cards                                             £61.92

Correspondence (received after the agenda was published)

Planning application PF/15/0102 Erection of two-storey/part first floor extension to convert single-storey dwelling into two storey dwelling at Glabri, Back Lane, West Beckham.

The parish council supported this application.

Matters for information only or for the next agenda

Mrs Sweeney reported that brambles are growing into the Sheringham Road by the electricity sub-station and are causing pedestrians to walk in the road near a dangerous corner. The clerk is to inform the Highways Rangers.




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