• Minutes 9th July 2015

    Minutes 9th July 2015

    Page 128

     Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

    Held on Thursday 9th July 2015

    Present    Cllrs. R. Wilson, (chairman),   J. Dovey,   R. Moreton   G. Place. A. Sweeney             R. Lewis,     Dist. Cllr. M. Knowles          J. Stibbons (clerk)

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

    1.  Apologies   B. Powell,   County Cllr. M. Baker.  PCSO G. Bridges
    2. Co-option of new member. Mr. Bob Lewis, a retired Police Officer has lived in East Beckham since 2002 and has expressed a wish to become a member of the parish council.

    He wishes to represent the interests of East Beckham residents.

    The members unanimously agreed to co-opt Mr. Lewis. He then signed the necessary Acceptance of Office form.

    1. To receive declarations of interest.

    It was noted that some members present were serving on the Parish Plan committee.

    1.  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 14th May 2015.

    It was noted that the name of the new District Councillor was incorrect. It is in fact Mr. Mike Knowles, not as stated. This error, having been corrected, the minutes were approved by the members and signed by the chairman.

    1. Matters arising from the Minutes.

    There were no matters arising from the minutes.

    1. Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

    PCSO Bridges (written report) There had been six calls during the period from 14th May. Including a dog attacking a postman and wood being stolen.

    Dist Cllr. Mike Knowles: – there had been two full council meeting since the election. The Chairman and other officers have been appointed. The financial reserves are in a healthy state.

    1. A148 Lodge Corner.

    All proposed suggestions put forward so far are said by Highways to be impossible to implement.

    This is an exceptional junction as the vehicles visiting Sheringham Park are not included in the figures used to justify the Highways objections.

    A 50mph speed limit should be the primary objective rather than several different proposals.

    Woodland clearance on the West side of the junction has been requested but has not yet been carried out. The verge cutting by the Highways contractor has not been carried out sufficiently well. The view is still obstructed by the overgrown hedgerow.

    Mr. Norman Lamb. M.P. is calling a public meeting on 5th August to try and find a solution.

    D.C. Mike Knowles will liaise with Upper Sheringham parish council

    Page 129

    1. Parish Plan The committee has held its first meeting (minutes attached).

    A draft questionnaire was produced, to be further discussed and approved at the next

    Committee meeting on 30th July. This will go to every household during September

    The committee walked all the assets in West Beckham on 7th July.

    The assets in East Beckham will be walked in the near future.

    1. Planning.

    Ref PF/15/0690 Variation of conditions at 4, The Loke, East Beckham.

    The Parish Council had no objection to this application.

    1. Financial matters.

    It was noted that the Community account balance on 9th July 2015 was   £2707.07

    There were no cheques due for approval.

    1. Correspondence

    Barclays Bank. Cllr. Geoff Place has been approved as a cheque signatory.

    1. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

    Mr Stuart Thurtle is to be asked to cut the grass on the Village Green.

    NNDC are to be contacted to cut the playing field.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm

    The next parish council meeting will be held on Thursday 10th September 2015

  • Minutes 14th May 2015

     EWB Minutes 14th May 2015 

    Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

    Held on Thursday 14th May 2015

    Present:          Mr. R. Wilson,   Mrs. J. Dovey,

    Mr. R. Moreton, Mr .G. Place.   Mrs .B. Powell, Mrs .A. Sweeney        J. Stibbons (clerk)

    Apologies   County Cllr. M. Baker. PCSO G. Bridges

    Mr. Wilson opened the meeting at 7.45pm.

    1. To sign Declarations of Acceptance of Office.

    This being the first meeting after an election, the six members present signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

    1. To elect a chairman and vice-chairman.

    Mrs. B. Powell proposed that Mr. R. Wilson be elected chairman, this was seconded by

    Mrs. Julia Dovey and carried.

    Mr. Wilson took the chair.

    Mr. Wilson proposed that Mr. Place be elected vice-chairman, this was seconded by

    Mrs. Sweeney and approved.

    1. Comments and questions on the agenda from members of the public.

    It was asked if there was any information on the application for a wind turbine. Mrs. Powell stated she has a file on the Applications which is available if anyone is interested.

    1. Declarations of interest. The Chairman declared an interest in item 9 on the agenda
    1. To approve the minutes of 12th March 2015.

    The minutes, having been previously circulated, were approved by the councillors and signed by the chairman

    1. Matters arising. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
    1. Reports It was noted that Mr. Mark Wright was the new District Councillor.
    1. Parish Plan.

    The chairman explained the idea of a “drop-in day” to get as many people involved as possible. It is not the responsibility of the Parish Council to implement any plan but will be carried out by a committee. There is discussion needed on a parish plan generally and the likely uses of the money. It was decided to have the first Parish Plan meeting on Thursday 11th June 2015 at 7.30pm in Bodham Village Hall.

    1. Planning.

    It was noted that there had been a withdrawal of the appeal re-the Wind Turbine at Bodham

    Application ref. PF/15/0423 Conversion of barns to five holiday accommodation units, swimming pool building/office and installation of tennis court at Rookery Farm The Street Bodham.

    Mr. Wilson (chairman), having declared an interest in this item, withdrew from the discussions.

    Mr. Place (vice-chairman) took the chair. After detailed examination of the application the committee decided, by a written vote, to support the proposed plans.

    Mr. Wilson resumed as chairman.

    1. Finances.

    The Accounting Statement prepared for the auditors was discussed by the members and the Annual governance statement was agreed. Both parts were then signed by the chairman and clerk.

    Cheques approved and signed:-

    • No 100410 Bodham Village Hall                         £30.00
    • No 100411 Stibbons (Salary and expenses)   £460.90
    • No 100412 NALC  (Subscription)                        £95.35
    • No 100413 HMRC (clerk paye)                            £92.00
    1. Correspondence. None
    1. Matters for information or the next agenda.

    The chairman thanked Mr. Place for representing the Parish Council at the planning meeting

    held at the NNDC offices to discuss the proposed plans for a Wind Turbine at Pond Farm, Bodham.   E&W Beckham Parish Council strongly opposes this application.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm

  • Minutes 12th March 2015

     Minutes 12th March 2015

    Page 124

    Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

    Held on Thursday 12th March 2015

    Present:          Cllrs. R. Wilson, (chairman),   J. Dovey,   R. Moreton

    1. Place. B. Powell,   R. Simpson,  Dist.Cllr. A. Sweeney        J. Stibbons (clerk)

    Apologies   T. Driver.  County Cllr. M. Baker. PCSO G. Bridges

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

    Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.


    To receive declarations of interest.


    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 8th January 2015

    It was noted that in item 6 the correct date for the planning meeting was 26th February, not as published. This date was corrected and the minutes were then approved by the meeting and signed by the chairman.

    Matters arising from the Minutes.


    Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors                                  

    Dist. Cllr. A. Sweeney reported that at the Upper Sheringham parish council meeting concern was expressed that Highways have still not taken any action at Lodge Corner on the A148. They will be writing to Highways and also the Eastern Daily Press.The next NNDC planning meeting will discuss the Gresham`s School application and the Selbrigg wind turbine will be discussed in the near future.

    Mr. Place commented that Highways were looking for improvements for pedestrians ate the Lodge Corner but there have been several vehicle accidents as well and these should be taken into consideration. Visibility towards Holt is still not satisfactory.

    Parish Plan

    The response from the delivery of the first information letter had been quite positive. Eight members of the community had expressed interest in becoming involved. Their Email addresses have been noted and they will be informed of progress.

    The invitation cards for the meeting on 28th March had been printed and were distributed to members for delivery.

    Arrangements for the 28th March – The village hall will be available from 9am. The open day is scheduled to run from 10.30am to 3.30pm 

    Mrs. Dovey will take pictures of various items belonging to the parish i.e. Nature Area, Allotments etc. and these will be projected onto a screen.

    Mrs Powell will provide tea and biscuits from the canteen.

    1. Wilson and J Stibbons will be in attendance all day and other members of the parish council will help on a rota system.

    There will be an Exhibition Board with information and maps of the area. 


    Renewal is due by 1st April 2015. The premium is unchanged as this is the second year of a three year fixed price agreement. There was a discussion on the amounts covered. These were all satisfactory except the £2500 for play equipment. It was noted that the figure for seats and other small items was higher than necessary. The clerk is to have the necessary adjustments made. 

    Financial matters.

    The Financial Regulations 2014.  These regulations were discussed at the meeting of 14th July 2014. It was proposed by Mr. Wilson that the parish council formally adopt these regulations. This was seconded by Mrs. Powell and approved.

    Bank balance at 12th March 2015 – £1991.54

    Cheques sighed:-

    • 100407 – Zurich  Insurance                                                      £341.56
    • 100408 – J. Stibbons  Salary and expenses Nov 2014 to Jan 2015  £523.78
    • 100409 – Printing Invitation Cards                                             £61.92

    Correspondence (received after the agenda was published)

    Planning application PF/15/0102 Erection of two-storey/part first floor extension to convert single-storey dwelling into two storey dwelling at Glabri, Back Lane, West Beckham.

    The parish council supported this application.

    Matters for information only or for the next agenda

    Mrs Sweeney reported that brambles are growing into the Sheringham Road by the electricity sub-station and are causing pedestrians to walk in the road near a dangerous corner. The clerk is to inform the Highways Rangers.




  • Minutes 8th January 2015

    61 EWB Minutes 8th January 2015


        Page 122


    Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

    Held on Thursday 8th January 2015


    Present:          Cllrs. R. Wilson, (chairman),   J. Dovey,   T. Driver.  R. Moreton, G.Place. B. Powell,   R. Simpson, PCSO G. Bridges Mr. & Mrs J. Berry          J. Stibbons (clerk)

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

    Apologies   County Cllr. M. Baker. Dist. Cllr. A. Sweeney

    Comments from the floor. The chairman asked if there were any comments on items in the agenda from members of the public. Mr. Berry suggested that a new War memorial was needed.

    Agenda items.

    Reports. The meeting agreed to take this item first to allow PCSO Bridges to leave early.

    Police report. The report was for calls to the police between January and December 2014.

    East Beckham – There were two thefts and one report of a dangerous dog (charges brought).

    West Beckham – One theft, one harassment, one criminal damage and one firearms incident. Eight calls concerned neighbour disputes.

    Many calls are reported some time after the incident which makes detection difficult.


      Declarations of Interest    None


     The minutes of the meeting of Thursday 13th November 2014. It was proposed by Mr. Moreton that the minutes be approved as correct. This was seconded by Mrs. Dovey confirmed by the members. The Chairman then signed the minutes.


    Matters arising from the minutes. There were no matters arising.


     Parish Plan. The wording of a letter setting out the decisions to be made and encouraging members of the parish to contribute their ideas was approved by the meeting. The letter also said that a walk-in event will be held on 28th March 2015 for all interested parties to put forward their proposals. An invitation is to be sent to all households one week before the meeting. It was decided to have an informal meeting on Friday 16th January to decide on the section of the parish to be covered by each council member and to collect the printed letters.



    Page 123




     PF/14/1218   Approval for extension at Lower Farm, Back Lane, W.Beckham

    PF/14/1326   Approval for conditions to permit fell time residential occupancy.

    PF/11/0983 Notice of Appeal hearing. Erection of Wind Turbine at Pond Farm, Bodham.

    The hearing will be held on 26th February 2015 at NNDC offices, Cromer. It was agreed that

    Mr. G. Place should attend and state the objections of the Parish Council.


    Vehicle Activated Signs. This item is to be included in the Parish Plan meeting.



    • Norfolk Constabulary. Suggestion that the parish council should contribute towards an extended coverage by PCSO`s.
    • Light Pollution questionnaire – not relevant.
    • Sheringham Re-cycling centre – to have restricted access while drainage work is in progress.
    • Time table for elections – all nominations must be returned by 4th


    Matters for information only.

    Mr. Berry elaborated on the condition of the War Memorial. The soft stone is crumbling and in a poor state. Mr. Driver has recorded all the names on the memorial and felt that the names of people from the village who were involved in the Second World War should also be included on any new memorial. It was agreed that this should be another item to be included in the parish plan discussions.


    Cheques signed:-

    No. 100404      J. Stibbons       Salary and expenses (Aug-Oct)           £500.74

    No. 100405      Bodham Village Hall   Hire of room                           £16


    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.53






























  • Minutes Thursday 13th November 2014

        Page 119


    Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

    Held on Monday 13th November 2014

    The meeting opened at 7.32pm

    Present:          Mr. R. Wilson, (chairman), Mrs. J. Dovey, Mr. T. Driver. Mr. R. Moreton

    Mr. G. Place. Mr. R. Simpson,          Mr. D. Hewer (NALC) J. Stibbons (clerk)

    Apologies:      Mrs B. Powell, County Cllr. M. Baker.  PCSO Bridges


    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

    He welcomed Mr. David Hewer to the meeting. It was agreed that, as Mr. Hewer had a long journey home, item 5 on the agenda (parish plan) would be taken first.

    The chairman explained that the main reason for wishing to form a parish plan was because quite a large sum of money was coming to the village from Hall Farm Solar. And the parish council wish to include as many people as possible who had an interest in the village.

    Mr. Hewer said that he had been instrumental in producing a plan for his village and the first objective was to get all members of the village, including the young, and all other interested parties and organisations involved.

    The start should be to produce a flier asking the questions – What would you like to do to benefit the community with the £10,000 per year grant being made available?

    From this formulate a questionnaire from these replies having a straight Yes or No answer so boxes can be ticked.

    Have a coffee day where a sheet can be filled in with “What do you want to do now and in the future”, put up stickers and notices. All the community must be involved.

    The committee and chairman should not all be members of the parish council but must represent different groups. People are needed who will take an active interest in the community. Make certain it works for the community as a whole.

    Committee terms of reference are to report back to the Parish Council with minutes of their meetings.

    Think of the services that are already in place, also remember that there will be an ongoing cost after the projects are completed. A reserve must be ring-fenced for servicing after the ten years of grants come to an end. Also keep a reserve to actually produce the Parish Plan.

    Some projects which have been put in place in his community are a responders group, a Youth Council, a Good Neighbours scheme, traffic control etc. The community must be involved.

    The chairman thanked Mr. Hewer for his very useful observations and the members showed their appreciation in the usual manner.  Mr. Hewer left the meeting at 8.25pm

    It was decided that the council members would have an informal meeting on Thursday 27th November to discuss the production of a flier to be delivered to all households.



    Page 120


    The chairman then took item 6 on the agenda (Co-option of new member.)

    Mrs. Julia Dovey had requested to fill the vacancy on the parish council.

    The chairman asked Mrs. Dovey to say why she felt she would like to serve as a member.

    Mrs Dovey replied that she felt qualified as she had lived in the parish for 23 years and had an interest in the local area. She is very much in favour of the parish plan and felt this could draw the community together. She is interested in planning matters.

    A written ballot was conducted and Mrs. Dovey was appointed to the parish council by a unanimous vote of the members present.


    The meeting then returned to the order on the agenda.


    1. Declarations of Interest Mr. R. Simpson declared an interest in item 8 (Planning)


    1. The minutes of the meeting of Monday 8th September were approved by the members and signed by the chairman.


    1. Matters arising from the minutes.

    The swings are now installed and Mrs. Powell was thanked for all her work. The chairman (on behalf of Mrs. Powell) thanked the clerk for clearing the soil to expose the safety mat.

    Mr. Driver offered to buy the old baby swing seat. This was approved by the council.

    Mr. Driver reported that many local people were not happy with the access from the Gresham Gravel site. This has already been approved by Norfolk County Council.


    1. Reports

    Police – July-November There were four calls to police and two crimes reported.

    Calls – Vehicle parked in E. Beckham in suspicious circumstances.

    Horse had mane platted in W. Beckham

    Vehicle hit telegraph pole

    Air rifle used unlawfully and confiscated.

    Crimes –

    Dangerous Dog

    Harassment on social media.


    1. & 6. See above




    Page 121



    1. Finances, Budget and Precept.

    The accounts for the year to date showed the following –

    Community a/c £3099.15. Premium a/c £11,890.24   Scottish Widows £2902.95


    The budget forecast for 2015/16 showed a deficit of £1003, this included £550 to cover the cost of a Parish Council election (if more than seven parishioners decided to stand).


    In the financial year 2012/13 there had been a budgeted deficit of £440 and an actual shortfall of £411.77

    For the financial year 2013/14 the budget deficit was £810 and the actual £281.07

    After discussing and considering the budget for 2015/16 it was proposed by Cllr. Moreton that the precept should be increased to £2650. This was seconded By Cllr. Dovey and carried.


    1. Planning

    Ref 09/1251 to permit full time residential occupation of Field Barn, Holt Road, Aylmerton.

    The parish council supported this application


    1. Sheringham Road notice board.

    It was decided to try and clean the Perspex before replacing.


    1. Correspondence.

    Consultation on removal of telephone box due to very low usage (seven calls per year)

    The parish council were not interested in buying the telephone box and had no objection to its removal.

    There will be a Town and Parish Council Forum on Monday 24th November at Bodham Village Hall which will predominantly focus on planning. Two members of the parish council agreed to attend


    1. Matters for information only.

    It was decided to meet informally on 27th November to discuss the production of a flier to promote the parish plan.

    Cheques signed:-

    Bodham Village Hall               Hire of room               £16

    J.Stibbons (clerk)                 Salary and expenses      £500.74


    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.21pm


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