• Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes 14th May 2015

    Minutes of the East and West Beckham Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 14th May 2015 at Bodham Village Hall.

    Present: Mr. R. Wilson (Chairman), five parish councillors and six parishioners.

    The meeting opened at 7.30pm.

    Apologies. None.

    The minutes of the East and West Beckham annual Parish Meeting, held on Monday 10th May 2014 were read to the meeting and confirmed as correct by all present. The chairman then signed the minutes.

    Matters arising from the minutes.

    It was asked if the Community bus was still operating.
    The bus is still operating but travellers wishing to use the service have to pay a subscription to join.

    East and West Beckham Parish Council. Chairman’s Report 2014 – 2015

    It has been an interesting, eventful and busy year for the Parish of East and West Beckham.
    Many thanks to our Parish Councillors, Geoffrey Place (Deputy Chairman), Tim Driver, Roy Simpson, Dick Morton, Barbara Powell for their help and regular attendance over the year and welcome to Julia Dovey who joined the Council during the year. I would like to thank in particular both Tim and Roy, two of our longest serving Parish Councillors who both stood down at the election. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Anthea Sweeny to the Parish Council. At this point it is worth mentioning that we have a vacancy on the Parish Council, that East Beckham does not have a its own representative and that both Dick and Barbara have indicated a desire to stand down. So I would ask that everybody gives some thought as to who might suitable and willing to join the Parish Council.
    My thanks go also to County Councillor Mike Baker and retired District Councillor Anthea Sweeney for attending our meetings and for keeping up the pressure on the County Council for improvement to the dangerous junction of Sheringham Road with the A148 at Lodge Hill. It is very frustrating to note that despite the increase in accidents at Lodge Hill over the last year in that there appears to be an indifference to improving or even reviewing this section of the A148 by highways.
    I am pleased to report an occasional increase in the number of Parishioners attending the meetings and hope to see them on a more regular basis in the future.
    Over the year three various planning applications for wind turbines two in Bodham and one in Selbrigg have cast a large cloud over the local villages. I am pleased to report that the first of the three most recent applications has now been withdrawn, the second refused by the District Council. We must be vigilant and continue to resist the last application for the wind turbine at Selbrigg.
    The year saw the first of ten, proposed £10,000 annual payments to the Parish from Hall Farm Solar. The desire by the Parish Council to see this money used in a wise and innovative way in the two villages has given rise to the idea of formulating a Parish Plan. An Information letter and invitation to a Parish Plan drop in day were distributed in the early part of the year culminating in a well-attended day on the 28th March. Lots of ideas came forward and some prospective volunteers. The challenge now is to form a Parish Plan Committee, to keep the interest and drive going forward, to bring some of these ideas to fruition. With the help of some additional grant funding there are some really exciting projects on the horizon. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the day such a very positive and enjoyable experience.
    And finally, I would like to extend my particular thanks to John, our Parish Clerk for his stalwart work during the year, his ongoing interest in the village and contribution to the Parish Plan drop in day which helped to make it such a success.

    Any Other Business none

    The chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 7.45pm.

  • Minutes 10th March 2016

    DRAFT Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

    Meeting Held on Thursday 10th March 2016

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm

    Present.  Cllrs. R. Wilson, (chairman),  J. Dovey.  G. Place,  R. Lewis, R. Moreton   A. Sweeney

    County Cllr. M. Baker  and one member of the public       J. Stibbons (clerk)

    1. Apologies  Cllr. B. Powell, Dist.Cllr M. Knowles   PCSO Guy Slade

    2. Declarations of Interest.

    Cllrs. Dovey, Lewis and Sweeney declared at interest in item 8 on the agenda.  (Community Fund)

    Cllr. R. Wilson declared and interest in item 7 (Allotments)

    3. Minutes.

    The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 28th January 2016, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Sweeney and approved by the members present. The chairman then signed the minutes.

    4. Matters arising from the Minutes.  None

    5. Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

    County Cllr. M. Baker  There have now been “No Parking” markers placed at the improved splay on the A148 at Lodge Corner.  It has also been requested that a speed limit survey should be carried out on the A148.

    A new “Trod” is now in place with crossing points on the A148.  Highways are to be contacted with a request to have signs put in place warning of Pedestrians.

    Highways have been notified about pot-holes and overgrowing hedges in Gibbet Lane.

    6. A148 Lodge Corner.

    Cllrs. Place and Dovey attended the meeting of Upper Sheringham Parish Council where the Vehicle Activated Sighs (VAS) at Lodge Corner were discussed. It was finally agreed that the triggers should be installed with the VAS as requested by E&W Beckham PC. The initial reason for Upper Sheringham PC suggesting that the signs should be activated at all times was that there is no sign warning of pedestrians crossing.

    A bid is now in place for a VAS.

    7. Allotments.

    It was felt that it should be made clear that part of the West Beckham allotment site was on top  of a former tip and with a view to the information on the Environment Agency’s site “What’s in your backyard?”,  the parish has a duty of care responsibility not to encourage the growing of food crops on the site due to possible chemical contamination.


    Testing would be expensive as it would have to be tested for every toxic chemical known – and then, if any were found they would have to be removed.

    As there is an alternative site at East Beckham, food production should be concentrated there. It was suggested that allotment holders re-locating from West to East Beckham should have a rent free allotment for five.

    An email from Mrs Powell was read to the meeting in which she hoped that public

    access to the West Beckham allotment site  would not be restricted when the Nectar Mix is established.

    8. Solar Community Fund Committee.

    (Minutes of Committee meetings can be viewed on the Website at (BECKHAMEWPC)


    The committee is to be known as the SOLAR COMMUNITY FUND COMMITTEE (SCFC).

    This committee is not limited in numbers and consists of volunteers with an interest in village improvements. There will also be a minimum of two parish councillors. A list of names of committee members will appear on the Parish Council web site. The object of this committee is to ascertain the wishes of the majority of residents regarding improvements to the community and prepair suggestions and costings for consideration by the Parish Council.

    Inspection of tree at the Village Green and the East Beckham common has found no unsafe

    branches that could be a hazard to the general public.

    The provision of safety mirrors at Long Lane and Allotment Lane was not approved by NCC Highways.

    The SCFC proposed the following projects for consideration by the Parish Council.

    a. A quotation for grading the track and car park clearance at E. Beckham allotments was presented to the meeting.

    The Parish Council needs to have three quotations before agreeing to this work.

    b. To go ahead with a quote from Community Heartbeat for a defibrillator in the redundant telephone box in W Beckham. Approved.

    c. To tidy up around the bus shelter – cut off some of the lower branches of the trees and ready the area for the relocation of the noticeboard and the installation of the defibrillator. Cost to be met from the Solar community Fund.

    The Parish Council agreed. Mr. Place was asked if he would approach Stuart Thurtle to see if he would undertake this work.

    d.  It was decided to leave discussion of village entrance signs and parish maps to the next meeting.

    Page 139

    9. Financial Matters.

    Community account balances at 28/1/2016  £1430.41

    Transfer of  £2908.73 from  Scottish Widows to Barclays Business account. to close account.

    To approve payments and sign cheques for the following–


    NNDC Election costs £38.32

    Cheverton and Son Printing £67.20

    J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £456.24

    HMRC Clerks PAYE £92

    Zurich Insurance £353.93

    Mr. L. Watson was appointed internal auditor for the year 2015-2016

    10. Correspondence

    • HM Queen 90th Birthday commemorative medals  It was decided not to purchase medals.
    • North Norfolk Bid Society Fund –  Noted

    11. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

    The meeting was informed that there has been severe flooding near the Electricity Sub-station. Highways to be contacted.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.26pm

    The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th May 2016

  • Who are we?

    East and West Beckham are small parishes just south of the A148 in North Norfolk. They are adjacent to an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB).

    The villages are about two miles from end to end.
    There is a combined adult population of 229.
    The spring at the center of the two villages is the start of the “Beck” or stream from which the village could possibly get its name.

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