Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 17th November 2022

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Draft Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

 Meeting Held on Thursday 17th November 2022

Present. Cllr. R. McNeil Wilson, (chairman),G. Place,  R. Batt, T. Toyne,  D. Barrass, 

 J. Dovey, K. Lord


The chairman opened the meeting at 7.10pm. 

1. Apologies County Cllr. E. Vardy.

2. There were no Declarations of Interest.  

3.   There were no comments or questions from members of the public.


4.   The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 22nd September 2022 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that they be confirmed as an accurate record. This was seconded by Cllr. Barrass and approved by the members.

The chairman then signed the minutes

5.    There were no matters arising from the Minutes.    

6.    There were reports from Parish Councillors

There have been no further cases of bottles being dumped in the bus shelter.

The defibrillator appears to have a problem with the voltage control regulator as the power keeps cutting out. GJF Electrical are to be asked to investigate.

The Defibrillator batteries and pads will need replacing in the near future.

The Community Shop project is not going forward at present due to problems with the proposed site. It is hoped to have new plans out in January.

The Felbeck Trust AGM is to be held in December. David Barrass will attend.

7.  Playing Field There was nothing further to report on the progress of the purchase of the playing field. Andrew Davis is in contact with NNDC.

8. Road Safety.     Bodham Parish Council asked if Beckham would like to have occasional use of their SAM2 traffic speed monitor. Not all the councillors were in favour of this proposal but it was decided by a majority to have a survey carried out before having further discussions on the cost and times in the village.

9. Allotments.  One new tenant is starting in September.

The top five allotments have been cleared. They are vacant at the moment but could be let a one plot as they would be worked by tractor. The members thought this was a good idea but with the condition that if an allotment was needed for a new tenant part of this land would be released. This could be reviewed on an annual basisIt was noted that some of the allotment plots have not been planted although the rent has been paid.  

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10. Planning It has been noted that a new building has been erected at The Pylons. There

appears to be no notification of a planning application on the NNDC planning web site and

Beckham parish council have not been informed. Further enquiries are to be made.

11. Budget A proposed budget for 2023/24 was discussed by the members. This showed a calculated increase in expenditure of £500. After considering likely cost increases due to inflation, it was proposed by Cllr. Place that the precept for 2023/24 should be set at £4250. This was seconded by Cllr. Barrass and approved by the meeting.


12. Financial matters.

 Bank Balances at 17/11/2022 Current a/c £7675.56 Savings a/c £30380.38

The following outstanding invoice were approved and cheques signed

Village Hall Ass. Hire of hall £58

J. Stibbons Salary and expenses (Aug;-Oct) £671.12

HMRC PAYE £140.40 

Bodham village hall Hire if hall £58

13. Correspondence.

All correspondence was received by email and forwarded to members as received.

14. Matters for information only or the next agenda.

If was asked if the Felbeck Trust could be involved in carrying out work in the grave yard.  David Barrass will ask when he attends the AGM.

Some residents had complained of intemperance with their television pictures. It was suggested that the newly erected wind turbine could be to blame. Further enquiries are to be made.

 There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm

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