Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th July 2017

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DRAFT Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council

Meeting Held on Thursday 13th July  2017


Cllrs.G. Place,(chairman)  A. Sweeney K. Lord,  J. Dovey, R. Batt, D. Barrass.

Dist Cllrs. M. Knowles,      J.Stibbons (clerk)

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm,

1.    Apologies Cllr. R. McNeil Wilson

2.    There were no declarations of interest.

3.    The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday13th July 2017 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr.Dovey that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Sweeney and approved by the members present.

The chairman then signed the minutes.

4.    There were no matters arising from the minutes.

5   Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

Dist. Cllr M. Knowles – The final financial position in June has shown a surplus against budget of £671,000 for the year ended March 2017.

The saving made by the management restructure last October when the Chief Executive and Head of Finance resigned to take up post at Yarmouth – is projected to be around £200,000 per annum

The Deep History Coast Project. The bid for £2 million funding from central government <was unsuccessful. The project will still be taken forward with  £500,000 from reserves  with work at West Runton and Cart Gap the first objectives.

Waste contract – the current contract with Kier is due to end in 2018, and officers are preparing for the negotiation of a new contract.

The waiting list for brown garden waste bins is about to be addressed – the original contract was for up to 19,000 bins and we are currently very near to that threshold.

6. Planning Decision notices

PF/17/0878 – permission for variation of conditions at White Gates,Sheringham Road.

PF/17/0786 – Permission for single storey extension at Jalna, Church Road.

7. Allotments Two applications for allotments have been received from people not

resident in the parish. It was agreed that this should be published in the news letter and if

allotments were still available they could be let to non-residents.

It was agreed to obtain quotes for construction of an apron onto the road frontage and

concrete strips where vehicle wheels run.

Gateway hedges need cutting back to improve viability.

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8. Defibrillators. Lottery grant has now been approved and defibrillators are to be

ordered in the near future.

9. Solar Community Fund Committee.(Report) Maps have been delivered.

Installation to be one at the bus shelter, one in the Sheringham Road notice board and one

at the East Beckham notice board.

It was proposed by Cllr. Lord that the quote of £300 to install the bench in the bus shelter

and fix three map boards should be accepted. This was seconded by cllr. Dovey and


The bus survey has been completed and walk leaflets are to be circulated to all houses

and be available for visitors.

The graveyard will keep it original entrance but the pillars are to be of flint. Three quotes have been received £8641, £8075 and £5000 from Neil Thompson. Although the quotation of £5000 did not include provision of flint gateposts or the reinforcing of the entrance, which would involve extra cost, it was proposed by Cllr. Lord that Mr Thompson be asked to carry out the work as his was the most competitive quote. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey and carried.

10. Beckham and Bodham Village Hall. The Beckham and Bodham village hall

association have asked for financial assistance to refurbishment of the disabled toilets. A

quotation of £2076 had been received to carry out the work. It was proposed by Cllr. Lord

that this should be paid by the Solar Farm Fund.

This proposal was seconded by Cllr.Sweeney and approved.

11. Tree safety. Three quotations had been received to provide tree safety.

The lowest quotation was for £1800 being £600 for immediate remedial work and £1200

for continued safety inspections and work. It was proposed by Cllr. Sweeney that this

quotation should be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr. Lord and carried.

It was noted that Highways are aware of the dangerous condition of the Chestnut trees

next to the post box at Chestnut Farm.

12. Playing Field.  Safety Report (RoSPA) All equipment was found to be in a

satisfactory condition  but the swings should have a fitment on the top to prevent pigeons


It was agreed to invite Playsafe to install the equipment approved at a previous meeting.

13. Financial matters.

Bank Balances at 30/3/2015 Current a/c £10712.87  Savings a/c £18592.74

To approve the following payments and sign cheques:-

N C C Digital Images£120

Nest box CompanyBird/Bat boxes£711


RoSPA inspectionPlaying Field£79.80

NPSMaps and sign boards£1590

K. LordExpenses£52.99

14. Correspondence A survey of local ponds is being undertaken

15. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

Following a meeting called by NCP and attended by Cllr. Dovey it was agreed that a Parish Plan phase 2 should be included for discussion in the next agenda.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.46pm.

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