• East & West Beckham Parish AGM Agenda Thursday 12th September 2019

    To all members of the Council

    Your presence is requested at a Meeting of E. & W. Beckham Parish Council on

    Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7.00 pm
    at the Bodham and Beckham Village Hall.

    J. Stibbons Clerk to the Council
    4th Sept. 2019
    The Public are invited to attend the above meeting


    1. Apologies

    2. Comments and Questions on the agenda from members of the public.
    (limited to four minutes per person and twenty minutes in total at discretion of the Chairman)
    3. Declarations of interest.

    4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th July 2019.

    5. Matters arising from the Minutes.

    6 Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors

    7. Solar Community Fund Committee.(Report)

    8. Allotment Track Repairs

    9. Playing Field Inspection Report

    10. West Beckham allotments. To propose a donation to the Felbeck Trust as a “start-up” con tribution for cutting field and installation of a secure shed.

    11. Financial matters.
    Bank Balances at 12/9/2019 Current a/c £11125.73 Savings a/c £7079.77
    To approve the following invoice and sign cheque:-
    K. Lord Travelling (Village sign inspection/commission) £42.14

    12. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 11th July 2019

    Cllrs. R. McNeil Wilson (chairman) G. Place, D. Barrass, R. Batt, J. Dovey, K. Lord, T. Toyn.
    Dist. Cllr. P. Botikofer. Mr. C. Ringer J.Stibbons (clerk)
    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm,

    1. Apologies County Cllr. S. Botikofer

    2. Cllr. R. Batt declared an interest in item 9.

    3. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th May 2019, having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Lord that the minutes should be confirmed as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey and carried.
    The chairman then signed the minutes.

    4. Matters arising from the Minutes It was noted that the shackles on the swing were not a danger at present.

    5 Reports from County, District or Parish Councillors
    Dist.Cllr. P. Botikofer.
    Wind Turbines. The court of appeal has refused another appeal hearing. The applications will be decided by an planning inspector. All representations must be received before the end of September.
    The council leader will be holding surgeries to allow residents to ask questions and give their views. These will be half hour appointments held on 30th July, 27th August, 24th September, 29th October, 26th November and 17th December.
    Successful prosecutions have taken place for fly-tipping. 34 more trade waste customers are being licensed to collect waste.
    Palm oil is being cleared from the beaches.

    The chairman invited Mr Callum Ringer to address the meeting.
    Work has started to collect comments and plans for a Community Shop, probably in Bodham.
    The Plunkett Foundation have been very helpful with advice and possible funding.
    Would Beckham be interested in joining the venture?
    Questionnaires will be distributed with the Bodham village news letter.
    Beckham parish councillors were thoroughly in favour of the idea and agreed to put questionnaires in their news letter to gauge the results.

    6. Solar Community Fund Committee.
    Water harvesting is working well.
    A coloured version of the village sign is being prepared

    Page 180

    7. Allotment Track Repairs.
    Several companies did not wish to quote for this work.
    A quotation had been received from S. Witham to supply and spread Road Planeings at a cost of
    £1800+VAT being £900 for the track to fill in the two wheel ruts. and £900 for the car park.
    Cllr. Wilson proposed that this quotation should be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr. Dovey
    and approved.

    8. Playing Field.
    The Playsafe (RoSPA) report was studied. The gate is to be fixed. The bars on the climbing cube are to be painted and a new back board installed to the Basket Ball net.
    It was planned to replace the cube at a later date.

    9. Planning
    PF/19/1009 Solar Farm, Church Road, W. Beckham. Variation of condition to extend maximum operational lifetime to 40 years. This was supported by the parish council with the hope that the grant would be extended.

    The clerk asked if members would indicate their wishes to him on future planning applications.
    If there was opposition to any plans an emergency meeting could be called. If there was no reply to a
    planning application sent out then it would be assumed that there was no objection.

    10. West Beckham Allotments
    The Parish Council did not agree to the compromise proposal for mixed use of grazing paddock,
    trees and meadow/pond creation.
    Instead, it was proposed by Cllr. Barrass that the Felbeck Trust should be appointed to manage the
    whole four acres. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Place and unanimously approved.
    The meeting agreed that this would lead to the feeling of ‘open access’ to all members of the
    community, simplicity of management in the longer term, and specific nature conservation.

    11. Financial matters.
    Bank Balances at 11/7/2019 Current a/c £12238.01 Savings a/c £7072.98
    The following invoices were approved and cheques signed:-
    Playsafe Ltd (RoSPA) Inspection £86.4
    J. Stibbons Salary and expenses £598.08
    HMRC PAYE £122.80
    S. Thurtle Grass cutting £305

    All councillors expense claims for Nil amount were completed.

    12. Correspondence None

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.47pm.

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