• Confirmation regarding the exercise of electors’ rights

    Confirmation regarding the exercise of electors’ rights

    Beckham East and West  Parish Council

    The Council must inform the electorate of a 30 working day period during which electors’ rights may be exercised.

    The inspection period must include the first 10 working days of July 2017.

    The elected period commences on

    21st June 2017
    And ends on           3rd   August     2017

    Signed:  J. Stibbons              Date: 26nd May 2017

    Parish Clerk

  • EWB Audit Returns 2017

    EWB Audit Returns 2017
  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 9th March 2017

    DRAFT Minutes of East and West Beckham Parish Council
    Meeting Held on Thursday 9th March 2017

    Cllrs. R. Wilson,(chairman) A. Sweeney K. Lord, G. Place, J. Dovey
    Dist Cllrs. M. Knowles, S. Butikofer J.Stibbons (clerk)

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm,

    1. Apologies County Cllr. M. Baker Cllr. R. Lewis

    2. To receive declarations of interest.
    Cllr. Dovey, Sweeney and Lord declared an interest in item 6.

    3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2017 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Place and approved by the members present.
    The chairman then signed the minutes.

    4. There were no matters arising from the minutes.

    5. Co-option. It was noted that one resident had indicated an interest in becoming a member of the Parish Council. A formal application would be favourably considered for co-option.

    6. Reports.
    Dist. Cllr Knowles NNDC budget was showing a forecast income of £300,000 from the Second Homes tax.
    The District council are debt free and are forecasting a surplus against budget. This could become a shortfall of £1.3 million in the coming year as there will be no increase in the North Norfolk Dist. Council precept, but Norfolk County Council are raising their precept by 4.8%

    7. Community Fund.
    The maps are still not ordered as other companies are being approached for quotations.
    A map of the proposed area was given to the meeting. When the final map is produced it will measure 110cm X 71cm.
    An application has been made for membership of the Ordinance Survey (Public sector mapping)
    E. Beckham Church – A style has been re-instated. Archive prints of the church have been obtained. These can be used on the web site or in the magazine. Copyright for all the pictures is £120. These could be used on information boards at both churches. The maximum cost of printing this information board would be £150
    Community Bus service. A survey will be printed in the next magazine to discover how many people would use the service. A regular Saturday route from East and West Beckham could be arranged if a contribution to the cost were made.
    Play Area. The lease has ten years to run. There is a need for maintenance. The swings are fine but the fence needs replacing.
    Page 153

    Benches will be installed when the weather improves.
    The Volenteers will visit again on the 22nd and 23rd of March. The Tesco grant of £1000 will pay for work to be carried out and a management plan formulated. It was proposed by Cllr. Sweeney that two picnic tables should be purchased, one for E. Beckham common and one for the Nature area at a cost of £500 each. This was seconded by Cllr. Place and approved
    It was agreed that pictures of the Beckham village signs should be hung in the Village Hall
    along with the pictures of the Bodham village signs.
    It was noted that the Mission Hall at East Beckham had been recently sold at auction for £44,000. By the wording of the deeds this money is to be used for the benefit of the
    Beckham village church.

    8. Financial matters.
    The following invoices were approved and paid:-
    R. Harrod Digger hire £174
    J. Stibbons Salary/expenses £518.75
    HMRC PAYE £130.60
    A copy of the projected income/expenditure for the year to end of March was handed to the members. This showed the balance of the current account to be £10142.43 and the Savings account of £26636.96
    The internal auditor appointed for the financial year to 31st March 2017 is Mrs. C. Warsop.
    It was agreed that Cllr. Dovey should become an additional Bank signatory.

    9. Insurance renewal
    Insurance is due for renewal on 1st April 2017. A five year fixed contract is available which would show a considerable saving over the annual review in place at present.
    It was proposed by J. Dovey that this five year agreement should be accepted. This was seconded by K.Lord and agreed. Cover for play equipment to be increased to £15000

    10. Planning.
    PF/16/0210 Extension and alteration of garage/workshop to front of dwelling. White Gates, Sheringham Road, W. Beckham. The parish council supports this application.
    PF/17/0256 Removal of condition 2 of permission ref 74/1292 to remove agricultural occupancy restriction. The parish council supported this application.
    PF/17/0001 Revised design of holiday let at Highlands Farm, W. Beckham
    Application withdrawn.
    PF/14/0925 It was noted that at the Public Inquiry into the erection of a wind turbine at Pond Farm, Bodham a decision had been taken to allow the development.
    At the same inquiry it was decided to allow a wind turbine at Selbrigg Farm, Hempstead.

    11. Correspondence.
    Barclays Bank confirmation of signing amendments.
    Hornsea three offshore wind farm consultation event.

    12. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.
    It was noted that a Workshop for footpath registration will be held on 18th March.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.26pm

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