• Parish Council Minutes Thursday 8th September 2016


    Cllrs. R. Wilson, (chairman), J. Dovey. K. Lord, G. Place,  R. Moreton   A. Sweeney

    ,              J. Stibbons (clerk)

    The chairman opened the meeting at 7.33pm

    1.    Apologies  Cllr. R Lewis,  Dist Cllr. M. Knowles

    2.    To receive declarations of interest. Cllrs. Dovey, Lord and Sweeney declared an interest in item 6.

    3.    The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 14th July 2016 having been previously circulated, it was proposed by Cllr. Place that they be accepted as correct. This was seconded by Cllr. Lord and approved by the members present.

    The chairman then signed the minutes.

    4.    Matters arising from the Minutes.

    Prices are still awaited for the defibrillator. It was decided to install a locked cabinet and an emergency phone at West Beckham.

    An application is to be made for lottery funding as a second defibrillator can be installed at East Beckham, on the wall of Manor Farm barn. This is by kind permission of Mr. Clifton-Brown.

    5.   Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

    A written report from Dist Cllr. M. Knowles was read to the meeting.

    6.     Community Fund.  Committee report

    The toilets at the Bodham and Beckham village hall are in immediate need of replacement. It was suggested that a donation should be given as the quotation for the work was £17,000 and so far £15,000 had been raised. It was understood that other quotes were to be obtained and the financial help required could be discussed further when the final figure was known.

    The cost of repairing the War Memorial would be £2274.

    It was proposed by Cllr. Dovey that this quotation should be accepted with the condition that if the church ever became redundant, the memorial is moved to the churchyard.

    This was seconded by Cllr. Lord and approved by a majority of five in favour, with one


    The East Beckham mission hall is being advertised for sale.

    W. Beckham Nature Area is very overgrown with dangerous branches and needs clearance work to be carried out. It was agreed to use the Conservation Volunteers for one day to get things started.

    Supply of water to the E. Beckham allotments. It was agreed to ask the East Beckham Produce Co.(Mr. G. Clifton-Brown) if it were possible to fill a large tank at the top of the allotments from the irrigation system, for a suitable fee. The tank would have a push button tap to regulate supply.

    Page 147

    Norfolk County Council are to be asked for a site visit with the parish council at  St. Helens Church, East Beckham to see the problems on the ground as this is a grade 2 listed site.

    Big society grant for playing field. (Cllr. Dovey to progress)

    The bus shelter roof is in need of repair. It was agreed that work should proceed and the quotation of £120 was accepted.

    The establishment of a trust fund to further travel and education is to be included in the next agenda.

    7.   Financial matters.

    Bank Balances at 9/9/2016:-  Community a/c £1548.86  Premium a/c £18806.80

    The above figures are after the following invoices have been approved and paid:-

    Cheque 441 K. Lord Paint for bus shelter £19.78

    442RoSPA Playing field safety inspection.£79.80

    443  Glasdon Four seats £1960

    444NALCsubscription £98.51

    445 J. Stibbons salary and expenses £483.89

    446HMRC PAYE £92

    447  Mazars Auditors £120

    448  S. ThurtleGrass cutting£300

    449  R. Wells  War Memorial (50% deposit)£1137

    8. Planning :-

    Ref: PF/16/1107 Woodlands Caravan Park, Holt Road, Upper Sheringham.

    Provision of 8 static caravan pitched and siting of 30 touring caravans. Object.

    It was felt that this application was inappropiate as the proposal was on common land.

    The following decision were noted

    • PO/16/0771 Erection of two dwellings at land off Sheringham Road, W. Beckham.  REFUSED
    • NCC ref:- C/1/2013/1012 (variation) revise office/weighbridge/welfare unit


    9. Playing Field

    Area Inspection Report by RoSPA was presented to the meeting. There are no areas of

    immediate concern.

    The Grant application to NNDC for equipment purchase has been refused as the playing

    field is owned by the district council. It was agreed to make further enquiries to see if the

    playing field is included in the Community Asset Transfer scheme as it may be possible to

    purchase or have a long term freehold agreement.

    10.    Correspondence

    • NNDC – Planning – re 1, Lodge Farm, Sheringham Road. Application for prior approval. Application withdrawn.
    • Parish and Town Councils Forum.- Noted

    11.  Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

    The VAS signs are now in place and working at Lodge Corner. A letter of thanks is to be sent to all involved in their installation.

    It was noted that there have been a large number of Break-In`s at village halls recently.

    There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.41pm.

  • Parish Council Agenda 10th November 2016

    To all members of the Council

    Your presence is requested at a Meeting of E. & W. Beckham Parish Council on

    Thursday 10th November 2016 at 7.30 pm at Bodham Village Hall.
    J. Stibbons Clerk to the Council 1st November 2016
    The Public are invited to attend the above meeting

    1. Apologies

    2. To receive declarations of interest.

    3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
    Thursday 8th September 2016

    4. Matters arising from the Minutes.

    5. Any reports from the Police, County or District Councillors

    6. Community Fund. Committee report
    The following points are included for discussion:-.
    War Memorial
    W. Beckham Nature Area is very overgrown with dangerous branches.
    The establishment of a trust fund to further travel and education.
    To consider donation for new toilets at Bodham Village Hall

    7. Financial matters.
    To consider and approve the budget for the year 2017-2018 and set the precept.
    Bank Balances at 9/9/2016:- Community a/c £13136.18 Premium a/c £18590.40
    The following invoices are for approval and payment:-
    TCV Work at W. Beckham green £360
    R. Wells memorials Second and final payment £1137
    J. Stibbons Salary and expenses (Aug-Oct) £482.93
    HMRC PAYE £92
    .D.McNeight Materials for notice boards £66.96

    8. Planning Ref PF/16/1434 Rookery Farm, W. Beckham. Variation of condition 2 of permission PF/15/0423 to raise roof height to facilitate additional first floor within outbuilding.
    PF/16/1275 Lodge Farm, Sheringham Road, Change of Use (retrospective)
    Wind Turbine (Bodham abd Selbrigg) A Public Enquiry is to be held on 22nd. November 2016

    9. Playing Field
    Community Asset Transfer.

    10. Correspondence
    Local Government Boundary Review

    11. Matters for information only or for the next agenda.

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